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US marijuana 'stronger than ever'

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Notice that they dont actually give examples of what sort of medical emergancies they are talking about because its just random cases where the patient happens to be a stoner or it was complications from the use of other drugs.

High Bazza,a noobie jumping straight into the fire,excellent welcome aboard, its interesting you picked up on this most scandalous stories main lie ,what are these alleged emergencies involving MJ? AH-HA its BS and here's an admission from Reuters Newsagency ,




What medical emergencies?

April 26th, 2007, filed by The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly Editor


US marijuana grows stronger than before - report


WASHINGTON, April 25 (Reuters) - The marijuana being sold across the United States is stronger than ever, which could explain a growing number of medical emergencies that involve the drug, government drug experts on Wednesday.


Nowhere in the article does it explain what “emergencies” are involved here. When I think of the term “medical emergency”, I envision ambulance rides and IV tubes. The use of the phrase in this context is either inflammatory, or at least highly inappropriate.


The term evokes images of heroin junkies and cocaine users overdosing and either dying, or LSD users freaking out and being put in a psych ward.




Are you just a stenographer for the government or do you actually do any investigation of what your sources say??? What kind of “medical emergencies” result from marijuana use?




Your article refers to medical emergencies caused by stronger marijuana. Please tell me about even one medical emergency caused by marijuana, I know of no recorded emergencies due to this substance.


Please enlighten me!




Surely you have more to do than to parrot the latest version of Reefer Madness. Surely facts have some role to play in what your news service publishes.



Lots and lots of readers asked for examples of these emergencies. We updated the story with an explanation which should have been made clear from the start, that medical emergency “means that the patient mentioned using marijuana and does not mean the drug directly caused the accident or condition being treated.” GBU Editor ( AH-HA .... says Jess)



From Stop the Drug War Chronicle Blog


Reuters Admits Flawed Marijuana Reporting

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Posted in Chronicle Blog by Scott Morgan on Fri, 04/27/2007 - 2:33am


Given ONDCP's ongoing claims of 20-30 fold increases in marijuana potency, yesterday's announcement that potency has merely doubled feels more like a concession than the latest drug war scare tactic. Yet thanks to lazy reporting, this lukewarm story became the next great threat to public safety.


From Associated Press:


The government estimates that 4.1 million Americans use marijuana. Use by teenagers has declined recently, but federal officials worry that marijuana is being cited more often in emergency room visits.


From Reuters:


The marijuana being sold across the United States is stronger than ever, which could explain a growing number of medical emergencies that involve the drug, say government drug experts.


Neither story explained the concept of "emergency room mentions" from which these claims were derived. And these two reports were republished in major papers everywhere from Dallas to Sydney.


Importantly, people who mentioned marijuana to doctors weren't in most -- if any -- cases directly injured by it. Upon admission to the emergency room, you're instructed to report any drugs in your system in case they could interfere with your treatment (and it's really not marijuana they're worried about). Patients who mention marijuana include everyone from heroin users to gunshot victims to various people who fell and couldn't get up.


Marijuana is growing in popularity as a medicine, which could also help explain why sick people report having used it.


Fortunately, thanks to incredulous readers, Reuters was forced to clarify:


Lots and lots of readers asked for examples of these emergencies. We updated the story with an explanation which should have been made clear from the start, that medical emergency "means that the patient mentioned using marijuana and does not mean the drug directly caused the accident or condition being treated."


Is it any wonder that readers were confused? Statements such as "marijuana is being cited more often in emergency room visits" or "a growing number of medical emergencies that involve the drug" clearly imply that marijuana caused or contributed to the patient's hospitalization. That was ONDCP's intention, passed along uncritically by Reuters and AP with the inevitable effect of confusing the public.*


Like many things you read in an ONDCP press release, the statement on emergency room visits was so misleading that it becomes false if you change any of the words. "Mentioned" is simply not the same as "involved." Thus the media reports became more misleading than the press release they were based on, which was pretty bad to begin with.


Even when properly explained, "emergency room mentions" remain a vague and ultimately unhelpful measure upon which to base alarmist claims. ONDCP's reliance on such tenuous, circumstantial evidence speaks to the credibility of their position on marijuana policy in general.


*Reuters made a partial correction, but AP has not. Contact them info@ap.org

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“Every system of thought and understanding stems from a number of basic postulates about the universe and man’s relationship to it. These ideas and assumptions go to make up the paradigm or dominant worldview through which a culture or an individual interacts with its universe. Aeons are marked by the passage of various great metaphysical thought paradigms rather by the passage of set periods of historical time. Within each great paradigm there will be lesser paradigms which contribute to the whole. For example, in the dominant White-Anglo-Saxon-Protestant culture of Europe and America, the main paradigms are Protestant-Atheism, with its dependent paradigms of liberal humanistic individualism and the work ethic, and science with its dependent paradigms of causality and materialism.


“Other cultures have had, and still do have, completely different worldviews which it is difficult for an outsider to enter. The Universe (being the accommodating creature that she is) will tend to provide confirmation of any paradigm one chooses to live in. We are, to an extent, an observer created-universe.”

Peter J. Carroll Psychonaut (1987)


The paradigms of the world are very sick indeed. Currently the western world is entering the long dreaded Nietzschian nightmare were all religions are irrelevant or expendable, where morality is a tool and fear and loathing the only criteria. The new prostitution is via politics, the cheap whores of the Public Circus and the mob repression of the organized and orchestrated.


There is a deep psychosis afoot. Everywhere everyone is happy with promises of safety paid for in liberty. Everywhere and every time the promises are unfulfilled. The security cameras are only there to capture gritty images of the violence. Everyone is under a dirty and open suspicion: Be Alert, Not Alarmed! Just walk through the metal detector, put all of your personal items through the X-ray machine, take off your shoes, obtain a ticket, have three forms of identification and stand at the back of the queue.


The coppers are now largely inexperienced, over-worked, under-paid uniformed shit-kickers. Too many laws, by-laws, regulations, sub-clauses, Directives, policy considerations and enough masterful corruption to use them all. The thick carpet of dark, air-conditioned backrooms where mysterious figures lurk operating from the comfort, safety and anonymity of the dark velvet shadows. Amid the alluring slutiness of the boardrooms and bathrooms of power, in the clubs and pubs, strip-joints and brothels, street-walkers and clinical arrangements an emotional cloud of desperate dreams and ill-conceived fantasies melts into the night like Heroin in a spoon.


Kissinger refined Hitler’s ‘Terror Technique’ into the more subtle and powerful ‘Tension Technique’: building tension in society and then finding a scapegoat. Political adepts do this in insignificant ways until they have the power and ability to move and direct people to more gross and hideous behaviours.


Politicians of all faiths, political creeds and economic expediency appreciate that if they pretend to respect the rights of sheeple and fain interest in their concerns, even though most realise that this is a ruse, they will go along with the programmes and policies because it is the line of least resistance. The democratic process and sport allow them to express some of their frustrations, reduce the pain of their pent up depression and aggression while ensuring that nothing changes. You can see the same political system everywhere. Sheeple always use reason and logic to justify their whims, so the initiate is taught to speak in moderation while convincingly offering miracles. It is only a matter of waiting for the media to generate the slogan that ‘the government should do something’ and the governments – everywhere and of all persuasions - always will. Rituals are conducted, thought-patterns established, relationships destroyed and dependencies enhanced.


Here Endeth The Epistle

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