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couple charged over cannabis haul

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Couple charged over cannabis production


A man and woman aged in their 60s from South Australia's Adelaide Hills have been arrested and charged over the production of cannabis.


Police say they found 103 cannabis plants and 33 kilograms of dried cannabis when they searched the pair's house at Foreston in the Adelaide Hills yesterday.


The 68-year-old man and 64-year-old woman have been bailed to appear in the Holden Hill Magistrates Court at a later date.


Source: abc news

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Natte, 2 older folk so thats 16.5 kg each.

If they cook 320gms a wk each, to make up their meds, it's only not even a years supply mate.


The plants could have all died, been lost to mould/bugs, been pollenated, overestimated... etc etc.. still could argue personal, medicinal use lol

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Frazzle Posted Apr 26 2007, 08:53 AM

I know an old fart who has large bags of leaf laying around too ... blush.gif


yeah Fraz..I know a slightly older fart that also has a bad habit of leaving all the trim from previous grows around the place.. :D


LMAO.. lol 33 kg for 2 people works out at a bit over an oz and a half each for everyday of the year... lol B) lol

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Bummer , poor oldies .. the pension doesn't pay enough so they prolly just making a few extra dollars on the side :)


Nah but its not unreasonable to think they had 33 Kilos lying around from the past crop ..

If they have the capability to grow 100 plants .. thats only 1/3 of a kilo each plant .. easy to acheive outdoors B)


I highly doubt its for personal use .. but I wonder why they had so much on them?

If you had that much and someone to sell it to you'd get rid of it as quick as possible specially with more plants growing lol

And if they were keeping it .. they shoulda fuckin Buried the shit lol


Very unfortunate .. but it doesn't seem like they were being very careful.


Good effort for people pushing 70 tho :toke:

Um .. does anyone think that maybe it wasn't them growing it?? that maybe they were providing the land for someone else to grow on like a friend or a family member?? .. hmmm


Anyhoo , I can't really see an old couple being sentenced to hard time .. they'll still want a decent lawyer tho me thinks.


Stay safe everyone lol Safe from the law ..


Budman :)

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