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Police In Toowoomba Bust Crazy

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Raids over two days result in nine arrests


By Nikki Joyce - 18/04/2007 - Toowoomba Chronicle 2007


NINE people were arrested on 18 drug charges following two days of police raids in Toowoomba this week.


Police from the city's Tactical Crime Squad acted on a series of tips from the public resulting in Operation Albatross, where those arrested were charged with possession of drugs and drug utensils.


The State Flying Squad joined the city's police in the raids, with more than $1000 worth of stolen property also seized from Belgium and Hume streets in South Toowoomba in the operation.


Senior Constable Stuart Standeaven said police were making inquiries about the former residents of the two homes.




See what I mean? Toowoomba sucks.

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9 people and 18 charges they are slacking $1000 worth of stolen propery thats $100 each so a watch or 3 of them had a ipod shit i am im possesion os so many stolen things its not funny hell if a guy walks up to you and says hey i got a laptop for $28 whos going to say no ok i know a lot of people but im also never connecting it to the net again its my little bitch computer where i am teaching myself new things encryptons passwords hacking stupid little things but back to my point my laptop im sure was stolen at some point i mean fuck i got it for $28 thats $2000 worth of stolen goods i bet they would say over 30 plants to when none of my babys have more then 3 nodes oh well fucken pigs
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lol Sounds like Operation Albatross was a great success :peace:




Oh I'm sure their efforts have had a devastating effect on the Toowoomba drug scene lol

...or is just that now 9 people will spend their food&rent money to pay their fines and go out and buy more drugs to help them forget about the mongrel coppers ...

lol doesn't that mean increased turnover for the drug dealers lol

How fucking openly corrupt does a police force have to become before people revolt?


'Smart State' my arse, it's a fucking Police State and getting worse lol


Back on topic though vicious, I agree... Toowoomba is a shithole lol




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It's a very sad time, it's dangerous to be a pot smoker in Tba at the moment. All you have to do is be picking up a deal at the wrong time or something and you're fucked.


How about they go and chase the rapists and murders and other more important shit for once? Do what we fucking pay them for.




Here's an example of how drug crazy the cops are in Toowoomba:


One of my mates was riding home from the corner shop on his bicycle one day. He was just in his street when a d-car pulls up beside him and 3 plain clothes detectives get out and stop him. They ask him all kinds of shit about what he's doing, where he lives and shit and then they ask him to empty out his pockets for them. He replies with: 'No, you can't do that, can you?' and the detective replies 'Well we can ask, but we can't make you do it' and then they fine him $75 for riding without a helmet.


For fucks sake, they pull up a normal dude in the middle of the day, 3 detectives trying to find drugs, using a bullshit fine for an excuse. It's pathetic.

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Hey a couple years ago the cops blocked the Warrego highway between Bris and T'ba and pulled over and searched every car on the road that day. Anyone arguing basically got told they didn't care and complain elsewhere. That story made the T'ba Chronicle too.

Outlaw motorcycle gangs use standover tactics and people think the sun shines out of their arse, yet the cops have less respect than these thugs in the eyes of lots of people. The cops need to ask themselves why this is so?

I want a police force I can look up to for help when trouble comes, not a bunch of cunts I think are fucking useless.

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  bufo marinus said:
Outlaw motorcycle gangs use standover tactics and people think the sun shines out of their arse, yet the cops have less respect than these thugs in the eyes of lots of people. The cops need to ask themselves why this is so?

I want a police force I can look up to for help when trouble comes, not a bunch of cunts I think are fucking useless.


Thats probably the best point ive seen made in quite a while lol

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