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if so join in this topic ill keep it running for a while unless no one posts then ill just be lonely


so here goes just to give everyone a overview of what we are going to be talking about



A plasmon is basically just an oscillation of the conduction electrons in a metal.





is the basic formula thats used



basically or im stupid and dont know what im talking about we could in theory make a shell of metamaterials that could bend electromagnetic radiation around its central cavity so it would be invisible to the human eye


the effency of light emmiting dioids in great but we can make it better think of the energy we would save


i mean just think about lycurgus cup damn thing is from the 4the century and it changes color just from where you place the light source


all because of particles of metal in the glass


just think of the possabilitys of being able to send information through light waves the possabilitys are endless



ill keep this rant short for now at least

Edited by fsagertyaef
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feel the same damn way i got into physics a while ago when i saw down the rabbit hole and what the bleep do we know and it kinda turned me on the way acid did it just opend my mind to new things that were there already but unaccesable at the same time since then ive been hitting the books the technoligy is there to do amazing things we just have to have eneough people intrested in it
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Yeh this is promising with different light frequencies they could have a multi level system easily !!


Enough people interested damm computers could become like fibre optic compared to 56k as todays!! not sure that we need the speed but hell the possiblities.


imagine if they just did a CPU that worked at todays 4ghz but then they used within the same chip speed working the same speed over 10 diffferent light frequencies all bouncing around the same cpu well you would have a 4 ghz! machine capable of 10 different independant simultaneous thought processes all in the one CPU with even the possiblility of them interacting directly

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alright the density of darkmatter just about anywhere in the universe is 10 -26th power kilogram per cubic meter basically a few molicules and from what we know if you combined all the dark energy in this galaxy it is about the same size as a small asteroid scientific america feb 2007


so what does this have to do with plasmonics well ill get to that in a few paragraphs once ive definded dark energy


ok so its been there "forever" its the energy that repells galaxys away from each other at a ever increesing speed contridictory to physics no not at all it just means in a few billion years when the dark energy is spread out to a even amount the universe will rubber band and do the oppoisite of what its doing now expaning at a deffinable speed the only way we can tell is watching supernovas and thats not exactly precise if we want to accept that the laws of gravity are universal (i doubt it but cant prove it) then dark matter is the only thing that is plausable


basically dark energy is one of if not the most powerful enery soucre in the universe strong enough to repel galaxy's which should by our laws of physics pull towards each other due to a gravitational pull



ok i need a smoke break ill finish this in a hour

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Cosmic Head On Collision - This animation details what the scientists are calling the perfect cosmic storm: galaxy clusters that collided like two high-pressure weather fronts and created hurricane-like conditions, tossing galaxies far from their paths and churning shock waves of 100-million-degree gas through intergalactic space. Credit: NASA


OPS maybe there dark matter wasnt so good at repelling ????


lol :peace: Hmmm i wonder if our galaxie is heading towards a stormy day one day lol lol lol

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