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Does oxidation alter cannabis effects

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This discussion leads me to speculate on GC/LC/HPLC lab results pertaining to cannabinoid and terpene profiles. I doubt that results detailing cannabis products will truly indicate the intricacies of the cannabis product in-question. If anything the results are merely an attempt at benchmarking.


Cannabis or cannabis products with less than favourable cannabinoid content can still endow the user with a useful high/productive high. Our understanding on how cannabinoid ratios affect the high is limited at the moment as we are yet to fully understand the synergistic effects of the cannabinoids when working harmoniously in unison. Cannabinoids in the product that are hundredths of a percent when combined with other cannabinoids of a higher concentration dramatically alter the overall high in my subjective opinion.


There seems to be too great of a reliance on cannabis products with high cannabinoid concentrations or interesting terpene concentrations solely. Breeders seem to often focus on breeding strains that contain high cannabinoid concentrations. I surmise that the most important factor that must be concidered is the diversity of cannabinoids within the product and also most likely unique concentration ratios of said cannabinoids(and terpenes). I would consider it wise to begin mapping out strains based on these specific ratios, i think interesting breakthroughs could be discovered if many labs were to hookup and exchange data on these ratios (of not just cannabinoid content but terpene concentrations). I impose that doing so would most likely redefine how we understand specific highs from specific strains of ganja and most likely redefine how we signify individual strains. I'm sure everybody who'd consider thyself a stoner acknowledges that it can often be the schwaggy bush that far supersede's the dense rocks of hydro buds in terms of high, regardless of the hydro containing a higher conc. of cannabinoids.


What do ya'll think ? Sorry about the poor spelling.

Edited by RadiateLight
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i thought it was a fact that oxidations leads to thc breaking downinto cbd which results in a heavier and more sedating stone? or am i talking about something different here?


radiate bro, even if that's all true, how do you propose we get a chemical breakdown of each strain in a police state country like this? taking a nug to a lab and asking them to do an assay on it would surely being the feds to your door in no time.

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