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"Pot. It mightn't kill you, but it could turn you into a dick

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I think there probably would be a link between mental illness and cannabis use. If you are mentally ill or depressed the natural tendency is to medicate yourself in some way to help cope/escape. Some rely on their Doctors for this medication, others use alcohol, cannabis, or other various illegal substances.


If you were do do a study on a group of mentally ill people, you are likely to find a higher rate of substance abuse among them. However that does not prove that the substances caused their mental problems. Likewise, if you did a study of any group of chronic drug users, whether they be alcoholics, stoners, junkies or pill poppers you will also likely find a higher rate of mental illness when compared to occasional users. But again, all this proves is that mentally ill or depressed or unhappy people use drugs more than the average person.


In some cases the drug use can be necessary and beneficial, in other cases it can be destructive. But thats not the point. The point is that statistics could be used to demonstrate a link between drug use and mental illness but that does not mean the drugs are the source of the problem.


From first hand experience we found 'clients' came to our Clinic (Drugs in Qld) via a referral from Mental Health, and/or 'walk-ins' were referred 'verbally' to our door, aka, the propensity to a mental illness existed prior to any use of MJ, amongst other illicit and/or prescription drugs. :toke:

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Wow, aside from actually concentrating on this rather than trying to prevent something significantly more relevent to teenagers (drinking, and pills from underground raves... held in the TELSTRA SUPERDOME, don't get me wrong, I like raves in their own right, but seeing a 12 year old in fishnets and on pills, cannabis is down there with not doing homework)... but $600,000


Imagine, they could have given 600 struggling families a $1000 tax break.

Given maitenance to schools, roads, or perhaps more nurses.

Perhaps given more money to help prevent domestic abuse (which in itself, is a prevention of causes to drug use)


They really need a list of people who initiate government funding, and have every project and its objective listed under their name to be scrutinized. I mean as a doctor himself, how the hell can't he figure out a better way to spend this money... More doctors perhaps, so that over extended doctors won't make faulty decisions causing death, oh, oh, oh, it already happend.

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