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Drug users claim lighter jail terms

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The only problem with claiming mental impairment is that you probably end up getting used us a statistic to prove that cannabis gives you a mental illness.

Think about it how many people go to court for using/growing/selling weed and claim they have a mental illness or where so addicted to it that they couldn't control themselves, I'm sure the government would be using these statistics somewhere to prove cannabis is dangerous!


Jabez i agree with the others. You are spot on here. What probably started with a few ppl claiming mental illness has been exploited by lawyers and has obviously snowballed to the point we are at today where everyone believes that cannabis causes mental illness. This is a classic example of a feedback loop. No wonder cannabis is seen as a dangerous drug. I certainly believe some with a mental illness are drawn to cannabis and drugs in general but i don't think it's anywhere near as bad as the media and health professionals make out.

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Mental health is one of the dodgiest topics i can think of .. not much has seemed to be proven and they are only just starting to learn about how the human brain works ..


Sure there are many who suffer seriously problems , most likely related to brain function .. but I think not neccesarily ..

There can be other factors .. especially if ya get into the area of Depression and Anxiety and PTS syndrome etc ..

But ofc most people would try and find a solution for their problems .. or if thats not possible .. maybe some releif or an escape ..


So then there is a good chance anyone with any problem may seek releif in the form of taking a "drug" ..

maybe a nice relaxing cup of tea .. or maybe a beer and a bong .. a valium .. or maybe a Heroin fix ..

even Tv , Music and Computer games are good for escapism ..


Whats the alternative , Take some really serious mind altering drugs that a doctor hopes might work .. (Might have to try a few different medications before we get the right one :) ) .. read the booklet on those meds .. they start with "This Medication is thought to work by ... ahem .. hangon a sec .. Did that just say "thought to work"??? Wtf ..

Or maybe you could take a Multivitamin , drink juice and pray for the suffering to go away ... naaaah , Wheres my Beer? :toke:


... As for the statistics , and making Stoners look bad .. well , thats kindof a moot subject aint it ;)

... But sometimes the media hits the nail on the head .. there are many people on Earth with problems (really? :freak: ) there always has been ... just like there are many drug users on Earth , as ofc there always has been ..

I guess the two subjects were bound to collide sooner or later :toke:


Take care fellow stoners :ack:


Budman lol

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