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Vaccine as "Final Solution" for Drug Users

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Read "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley ,between this drugged out nightmare and the nightmare of George Orwell's 1984, its our future and its now. :D

This "vaccine" is a foul joke as stated by others it will interfere with medical treatments and can the human body even work when in the instance of THC and Opiates receptors ,the natural systems and hormones of the body will be interfered with . A BAD IDEA. :D

Edited by Jess Stone
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They intro it as a mandatory thing for society and ill go apeshit!!!! The funny thing is that i was thinking about it and ultimately it could lead to a uprising. Just imagine, even neo nazi's and gays would fight this side by side!!


Gays and neo nazi's up in arms together... :scratchin: that is high-larious thanks for that image in my head.

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Gays and neo nazi's up in arms together... :scratchin: that is high-larious thanks for that image in my head.


What i was trying to say that things are getting that bad in this world that complete arch enemies will fight the same enemy!! Our differences can all be put aside when our very existance is at stake.

I for one dont accept "gays" and "lesbians" as in any way normal BUT on the same note, i really dont care who and what the person is as long as their intentions towards humanity are pure, although i dont think they should flaunt it as "normal" as effectively its an unnatural act they participate in..........much like beastiality in my eyes.



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Hey dont fear this drug many politicians and lawyers and judges are old stoners in hiding so i dont like the chances of it being wide spread especially without 25+ years testing on hard core criminals first hehehe


Wouldnt a global lockout of receptors block many medical grade drugs used within operations and other treatments etc ??????


fear what the next generation of drugs generate in the way of side effects will be. You see the drug lords WILL produce another form of drug to bypass or disable this effect but they will not provide testing to enshore our safety nor will they care about there clientels long term health


Just look at Ice!!

Edited by Shithappens
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The consequences are much more far reaching, effectively they could easily create a society of zobie drones. Then again, look around you..........isnt it happening allready? How many morons think that 911 was still done by osama bin laden? We think they are asleep but really maybe just maybe its allready happening {through chemtrails}? I honestly hope that if aliens do in fact exist, i hope they come and help us fight this tyranny we live in.......................... as i think thats our last hope!!! Anybody that is interested in UFO's etc is well aware that they are much more prominent lately and i think we have to be complete morons to think we are the only intelligent life for in the universe. Also considering aliens have been coming here for years, i doubt they are violent and are only observing what we have done/doing to our world. I hope they get pissed off and say "enough is enough" because effectively our planet will be uninhabitable for absolutely anything/anyone if things continue the way they have been going. I know i sound like a crackpot but i have a very open mind {thanks to MJ in big part}, and am not fearfull of the unknown, but am hopefull of it.



omg i feel dumber after reading this.

okok. true the world is turning to shit and were all gonna be mindless drones in a few generations, but where do you come up with this crap about 911. you have no proof that points either way. its people like you who make a criminal justice system unfair, by judging things with no evidence.

and then your crap about aliens. how the f#*k do you know theres other lifeforms, and who the f#*k are you to say if you dont believe in them your a moron.

i have no problem with people expressing there opinions, but you have no right to call people morons just because they dont follow you views. and if you wondering, i do believe in other life forms. but if other people dont, i dont instantly think there morons.

its you, sir, who is a complete moron if you cant even respect other peoples beliefs.


as far as the vaccine goes, i would doubt greatly that this will ever be legalized in our lifetime. the way i see it if we cant even get science legalized to research stem cells etc. which could benifit millions, what chance is there for a mind altering drug alternate?

as for me, i would rather die then take that vaccine. life with no highs isnt for me.

ive got friends on anti depressants, and at times there almost lifeless. never energetic. always boring and subdued....

except when there hot, blond, and ur making out with them....

i need a bong.

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Interesting unistoner , your 6th post and your an 9-11 truth debunking expert,well I'm calling anyone who believes the "official fairytale-the US Gov. version of 9-11" at minimum NAIVE ,but we have a "debate" on this issue here , in regards to the vaccine ,well OMFG it Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" indeed with massive lashings of George Orwell's nightmare vision including fake self inflicted terrorist attacks "1984" ,absolutely. :peace:
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