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Vaccine as "Final Solution" for Drug Users

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:peace:, i have no veiw either way on 911, because i have no evidence and never said anywhere in my post that i did, so no, im no expert at 911. prehaps you should read better...



and how does my post count affect my knowledge?

i see youve been a 8 months and have a mighty 400+ posts.

mabye you should find something to do with your life....


my main point against him that he seems to have completely missed is the fact that his opinions arnt the same as everyone elses, and he has no right to insult people if they dont follow his views.

Edited by unistoner
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B), i have no veiw either way on 911, because i have no evidence and never said anywhere in my post that i did, so no, im no expert at 911. prehaps you should read better...

and how does my post count affect my knowledge?

i see youve been a 8 months and have a mighty 400+ posts.

mabye you should find something to do with your life....


my main point against him that he seems to have completely missed is the fact that his opinions arnt the same as everyone elses, and he has no right to insult people if they dont follow his views.


Oh no , B) cut down by a Uni student :peace: I'm cut to the quick,

devasted even lol


or are you more the :peace: ?KID B) type ? lol lol


If you want to come over to the 9-11 thread with an open ,non-preconcieved mind you might be surprised and become a 9-11Truthseeker :peace: :toke:

Edited by Jess Stone
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holy crap stoners are annoying.

out of my entire reply, all you read about is 911?

i dont give a f*#k about 911.

my entire post was pointing out the fact that some fool thinks he can insult others just cause they dont follow his view.

and, yeah, is it suprising that a uni student is able to cut you down??

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Children please!


Sorry about the confusion too jess and pa-uul, don't know why I thought it was jess.... too stoned probably.


What do you mean probably ! B) definitely B)


Its just a little friendly ragging, Luke my son hhhhaaa :peace:


The smilies are great for dissing on the, ?Mark Kid ,not unistoner, but Cho :peace: :toke: :peace: B)


unidude I thought my 1st response answered your questioning of bumwdude's post,it was a bit cryptic ,but an answer neverless. lol

Edited by Jess Stone
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