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Vaccine as "Final Solution" for Drug Users

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The idea of a vaccine for drugs makes me sick. To be refused a job on the basis you havent been vaccinated. I can see that wdc. I cant get a job I would like because of drug tests being mandatory in the feld of work I used to do all I have to say if thy try to stick me with that shit I will go ape shit on them :D I hope it dose not come to that. :D
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  highflyer101 said:
The idea of a vaccine for drugs makes me sick. To be refused a job on the basis you havent been vaccinated. I can see that wdc. I cant get a job I would like because of drug tests being mandatory in the feld of work I used to do all I have to say if thy try to stick me with that shit I will go ape shit on them :D I hope it dose not come to that. :D


They intro it as a mandatory thing for society and ill go apeshit!!!! The funny thing is that i was thinking about it and ultimately it could lead to a uprising. Just imagine, even neo nazi's and gays would fight this side by side!!

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  Luke Skywalker said:
...Sorry jess, alcohol does work on receptors in the brain. Don't know why you think it doesn't....
My understanding is that nicotine, cannabinoids and opiates have dedicated receptors with the brain cells. Cocaine and meth work on the general dopamine receptors while alcohol is a simple molecule C2H6O. But I am no expert. Wikipedia says that alcohol operates on the GABA receptor system. I just figure that this vaccine does damage to the dedicated receptors and possibly regulates dopamine receptors therefore still possibly allowing alcohol to operate. (Oh, and it's "Pa-uul" here, not "Jess" Luke!)


Anyway, if they got a live virus in these vaccines they could get it to travel through the brain like a pac-man eating all the receptors for nicotine, cannabis and opiates. Cocaine and meth do not operate on dedicated receptors but on dopamine levels and the associated receptors, which are used all the time by us at normal levels. To "block the high" of these latter two drugs the dopamine level must be regulated in some way. This will "stop the high" but may also regulate dopamine in every other situation, never allowing the person to feel angry or sad, just on an "even keel" all the time. Never getting an adrenaline rush when attacked; just placidly going to work every day and never questioning authority.


In other words it will do more than merely "block the high" of drugs. It will make you a drone.

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Science getting ahead of ethics here.


Some of these drugs or very similar ones have medical uses. What happens if you are immunized against heroin addiction and are hospitalised later in life and need morphine ( a similar drug)? Would it not work? What about the new cannabis based medicines such as Marinol and Sativex? There are even speed like drugs that have medical value (Ritilin).


I can't see informed parents going for this. This should generate an almighty ethical debate.

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Cheers for the heads up Pa-uul. Won't be missin' this one for quids...


I have to agree with a lot that has been said here. I for one am getting sick 'n tired of scientist and politicians playin' god, while removing our freedom of choice. If the scientist and pollies stood back and looked at the job they're doing, they may realize they play a big part in a lot of the fuck ups the citizens of the world and planet we live on are facing.


If it ever gets mandated by the Gov. I pity the poor cunt that has to do my family. As their blood will be spilt where they stand... :D


I am not renouned for being a violent man, but anyone of these fuckers come near my family, god help em...

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The consequences are much more far reaching, effectively they could easily create a society of zobie drones. Then again, look around you..........isnt it happening allready? How many morons think that 911 was still done by osama bin laden? We think they are asleep but really maybe just maybe its allready happening {through chemtrails}? I honestly hope that if aliens do in fact exist, i hope they come and help us fight this tyranny we live in.......................... as i think thats our last hope!!! Anybody that is interested in UFO's etc is well aware that they are much more prominent lately and i think we have to be complete morons to think we are the only intelligent life for in the universe. Also considering aliens have been coming here for years, i doubt they are violent and are only observing what we have done/doing to our world. I hope they get pissed off and say "enough is enough" because effectively our planet will be uninhabitable for absolutely anything/anyone if things continue the way they have been going. I know i sound like a crackpot but i have a very open mind {thanks to MJ in big part}, and am not fearfull of the unknown, but am hopefull of it.



Edited by bmwdude
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  neostone said:
I doubt people will ever be forced to take a mind altering drug such as this. I think its more likely it will be available for Doctors to prescribe to drug addicted patients who request it.


I know my statement sounded over the top. But in time, it has a possibility of getting off the ground. I reckon the first cases where we might see it mandatory, is in court cases of repeat offenders of drug use. It'd be legislation they slip under the door like they have with other things in the past. Judges prolly handin' out findings of gettin' vaccinated, rehab and good behavior terms...


You only have to look at the news today. 1 in 5 workers are union members. The IR laws are slowly knockin' them outta the picture, and quite possibly human rights would be next in line.


Have we all taken note of the way things are heading within our society in the last few years? We've had firearms taken off us, police have more powers 'n resources, loss in job security 'n base wages, can't hava beer in a park at a family picnic and countless others things. Australians no longer have the freedom we had say 10-15 years ago. It'll be interesting to see where we are at in another 10-15...



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