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Vaccine as "Final Solution" for Drug Users

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http://s58.photobucket.com/albums/g270/reecePhotophucket/th_addiction_.jpg © 2007 ABC.


A few months ago I predicted the introduction of a "treatment" for drug users which would permanently alter their brain chemistry making them "immune" from drugs. Whether they are endogenous (like endorphin or anandamide) or exogenous (like heroin, nicotine or pot) drugs are a natural and very important part of life. ABC's Catalyst has been pointed out on this forum before for its government-friendly "War on Drugs" stance. An example was when they reported some morgue findings about a year ago regarding the presence of cannabis in car crash victims as supposed to be showing that many people were stoned at the time of driving. Well now they are trumpeting an upcoming story 8pm Thurs on ABC about a scary new treatment; a vaccine which will render you immune to some or most drugs.


Standing in front of the US Capitol building, her blonde hair blowing in the brisk breeze, the reporter said in an ad for upcoming show:

Imagine if you could immunise your children from addiction to nicotine, heroin and cocaine, would you do it?
with a smile on her face and genuine enthusiasm in her voice. This treatment would surely be a horrible tragedy. The victim might be rendered only able to be influenced by alcohol because this is one of the few drugs which does not operate on receptors.


The web site said:

Addiction Vaccines – Can science win the war on drug addiction?


What if you were able to vaccinate your children against addictive drugs like nicotine, heroin, cocaine or amphetamines before they were even old enough to try them?


Drug addiction remains a huge social and medical challenge. Treatments for nicotine, cocaine, heroin and amphetamine addiction currently achieve limited success.


But imagine if there was a vaccine that would stop these drugs from having any pleasurable effect on the brain and body… no rush, no high and no reward to get addicted to.


Well, that medical dream is about to become a reality. Vaccines against many common addictive drugs are currently undergoing trials and look set to hit the market within five years.


But they do raise an ethical dilemma. If these vaccines can stop the effect of drugs why not use them as a preventative? Why not give them to teenagers before they even try smoking, or using cocaine or speed. Would you do it? Will governments mandate it?


These are just some of the mind-blowing ethical questions raised when Catalyst’s Jonica Newby visits the USA to investigate science’s new war on drugs. © 2007 ABC.

This, of course, is a sick, sick idea! They want to use a permanently altering treatment because the number of people who like and use drugs is just so enormous. They can't fit them all in jail by a factor of over 45:1.


It ultimately amounts to mind control of the population and turning us into different sort of people. Warped zombies who would make for perfect slaves for the New World Order. This hype and bullshit over the War on Drugs has spilled over now, first into road-side drug testing, and now this permanently altering "vaccine". What is in this vaccine we'll never know but I have heard from Alex Jones on the GCN radio network that they could have mercury and/or live brain-eating viruses in them.


Other than a reduction of the population by 80-90% :peace: this is the worst idea the New World Order has come up with yet. I urge you to fight terribly the makers and promoters of this vaccine. The War on Drugs must begin on our side well and truly now. Never take this vaccine. Never give it to your children. :doh:

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Instead of wasting money funding a vaccine to immunise you against the effects of drugs... why not spend a few million on doing some proper unbiased testing on the effects of marijuana, on a wide variety of people (I'm sure you could find enough people around the world to put their hand up in an attempt to set the record straight) to actually find out first hand, once and for all whether or not Marijuana use places a high enough risk to society to warrant it being classified as an illegal substance... In all it's forms, varieties, method of use, not to mention related medical benefits as well as the risks.
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scary shit!!!

I have a feeling that they want to enforce this at primary school level!!! imagine that a country/world with no pleasure just labour!!! Or imagine, you have been busted and the judge give you a choice......take the immunisation or go to jail........!!!

I am soo starting to hate what this country is becoming.



p.s. im not paranoid just aware of how far these scumbags will push it

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its sad to think drug vaccines could become a common part of society, but if they become mandatory i can see a day when you can be refused a job on the basis you havent been vaccinated, people are forced to take the vaccine instead of going to prison and god help us if they start giving them to every child the day they are born :D
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The sad part is i can see it all happening!!!. I know a dude that got some shit sown into his stumach so he gets ill if he takes any drug..........how lame the fucker is for not having the willpower but fuckwits will be fuckwits.

As for the vaccine, i wonder how long they continue feeding us all this shit only much later realising that they have done irrevercible damage to our genetic structure etc. I remember seeing a movie where this actually happened............the movie started with an a i think............and basically what they were doing is cloning everyone as it was impossible for anybody to bear children naturally anymore. Hasnt anybody noticed that there is a huge increase in people who cant have kids or have kids with alergies/defects/learning disabilities?

Most of the people i know have children suffering from one thing or another, although strangely enough.......not one of my smoking buddies has this issue!!!! hrm............... only my straight friends. Based on that i could take the government method and say due to everyone i know who smokes has happy and healthy kids.....yet all non smokers have problem kids.............id make it compulsory to stay stoned hahaha :D That would be the life i guess.

Also has anybody heard that mj is unlike any plant in the world and a lot of ppl have suspected it as being an alient plant.............maybe the aliens are all tokers and think we need to chill out so they gave us this wonderfull herb :D I wouldnt be suprised................. :D



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The victim might be rendered only able to be influenced by alcohol because this is one of the few drugs which does not operate on receptors.


Sorry jess, alcohol does work on receptors in the brain. Don't know why you think it doesn't....


Any vaccine that was able to block the effects of any or all drugs in any significant way would be highly disruptive to the normal functioning of the brain. Anti-depressants of various types work on these same systems in the brain, which are also responsible for pleasure response as regulatory functions. The idea that you could use some kind of "vaccination", something that is only really relevant to describing treatments for viruses, implys permanent distruption of the pleasure centres of the brain from a young age.


Only a small subset of all drug users, whatever they use, ever become addicts, and this is far more influenced by the individual than the drug itself. The rest of the population of drug users, (practically everyone else on the planet) seems to do fine and can take or leave drugs of any kind as they see fit. Sure, they have preferences, but that's a subjective thing, isn't it.... For gods sake the idea of permanently brain damaging all children to prevent one out of 10 from ever experiencing addiction, no matter how mild or hard, is abhorrent and I think you'd have a hard time selling it to a public which is used to using drugs for pleasure every day in all kinds of ways. Mind you, we were sold prohibition in the first place weren't we.... :D


If they ever tried to use this kind of crap on any child of mine I'd move somewhere they didn't.


The ABC is seriously losing brownie points with the anti-prohibitionists imo. That's yet another piece on stopping "the scourge of drug addiction" and the dangers of recreational drug use...


Sorry for rambling, just a tad stoned eh? :D

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