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Matanuska Thunder

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I know it's no great new idea, but if there's a strain sereval people want, and it's expensive, nothing stopping people sharing the expense. All it requires is a bit of trust. Ellect one of the consortium to do the initial sprout/search for mother, and then split up as clones.


It's also a good way to make sure you get a good mother of a specific strain.

Like when Heavy Duty Fruity first emerged it was dear as poinson, prob still is.

A bloke I knew in South Asutralia who I'd never met , and myself figured buying two packs of seeds, rather than one would give a better chance of an exeptional mother. (there was some rumor at the time a good mother might be hard to find in that strain. I'm sure it was base-less inhindsight).


ANyway, we pooled out dosh and got two packets o beans. he was a far more experienced hydro man that I, so I agrreeed they should go to him, and we'd sort it ou later.


unfortunately that one went south. the poor bugger had the cops kick his door in,and he went a row for what he was up to. I just lost me seeds, but barring any disaster like hat, I reckon it's the way to go.


Anyhow, thanks for the pics postman. I was aying to you a while ago I really wanted to grow this one, but was always under the impression it was a very light harvest. But you reckon they're quiet alright in that regard too ey? They sure look the gear.




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