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Billy Thorpe, Dead

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Good music,good musician,good songs ,I met him once What a FUCKING ASSHOLE. :toke:
Wow, that's interesting Jess. Was he rude to you, maybe cause he was thinking "just another adoring fan"? Or was he just like, rude in general? Or was he just drunk maybe ??

(Please tell me Jess :peace: as I likes music.)

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Wow, that's interesting Jess. Was he rude to you, maybe cause he was thinking "just another adoring fan"? Or was he just like, rude in general? Or was he just drunk maybe ??

(Please tell me Jess :toke: as I likes music.)

I don't know Pa-uul ,maybe all of the above or none of the above who knows it was around 1980 in a nightclub in Kings X ,what I do remember it was almost ..... on lol :toke: ,nah but I nearly slapped him in the head after the "argument" as he was walking past from behind ,after the fact. :toke: :peace:

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...I nearly slapped him in the head ... as he was walking past..
Heh heh. Perhaps that's how he died. Someone slapped him in the head after he pissed one too many people off! :( This heart-attack thing is just a cover story. :(



By the way, rest in peace Billy. :crybaby:

Edited by Pa-uul
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