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am i wrong?

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Bleach evaporates anyway. I agree with everyone, I add bleach to my dishwasher and no one has died.

I use window cleaner on my glass piece. Then I use a water pic to blast out the chunks. My kids think I'm crazy to ever clean my pipe. They seem to believe the dirtier the pipe the better. I don't know where that all started, but they have their heads up their butts if you ask me. There's way too much bullshit going around about MJ in general.

So have you asked them how come you're not dead yet? ;)

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i wouldnt worry let them think what they want more bongs for you lmfao


cheerz :Dj:


Hahaha true! :(


dude just use it heaps and get it all fucked up and dirty looking like a biohazardous problem and then offer them a bong and see if they accept it then. there would be more chances of death from smoking from some of the filthy dirty bongs that people use than using your bleach cleaned bong. as long as the bleach has been rinsed from it, it'll be cool.


Exactly.....although ive never known anyone to die from a dirty bong. ;)


Bleach evaporates anyway. I agree with everyone, I add bleach to my dishwasher and no one has died.

I use window cleaner on my glass piece. Then I use a water pic to blast out the chunks. My kids think I'm crazy to ever clean my pipe. They seem to believe the dirtier the pipe the better. I don't know where that all started, but they have their heads up their butts if you ask me. There's way too much bullshit going around about MJ in general.

So have you asked them how come you're not dead yet? ;)



Haha.....where the hell did your kids get that idea cleaner=better.

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Cannabis resin is highly soluble in ethanol. Methylated spirit is about 97% ethanol (aka booze) with the remainder being a bittering agent to keep you from making cheap cocktails out of it.


Isopropanol will work for removing resin but it's hard to find high % isopropyl. Most often, isopropyl alcohol is about 70% alcohol and the remainder is water, though I have seen 91% isopropanol in some pharmacies. "Isocol" is a well-known brand name for isopropyl in Aus, but it's far too expensive ($8-12 for ~350ml) and it's only 70% alc.


Metho is much MUCH cheaper than Isocol ($12 will get you a 4L jug of metho) and is also much better for cleaning cannabis resin due to being mainly ethanol and also having a higher % concentration of alcohol.

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I would tell them about the baby bottle cleaning tablets and see what they say.


Bleach in your bong won't kill you but neither will it remove cannabis resin very well. When cleaning your bong, you need a degreasing agent, not an oxidiser. Ethanol, as you find it in methylated spirit, is the gee-oh.


Failing that tell them to bring their own bong.


Fuck that, tell them to smoke their own dope! :thumbdown:

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