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Kochie and Kerry Anne Kennerly

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My letter to the Sunrise Soapbox " http://www.seven.com.au/sunrise/form_soapbox "





As father of three children I am appauled that you can show biased views of cannabis usage. The whole point of the study was to degrade cannabis users, once again. It was released by Phizer, one of the multinational pharmacutical companies that are the sworn enemy of cannabis. If cannabis was legalised these companies would lose Billions of dollars a year.

What appauls me is the fact that the cannabis trade, which is worth Billions of dollars annually, is controlled by the black market, which prohibition caused. Criminals are attracted to the financial gain, and would have no problems selling it to children. It is about time we protected our children and removed their access to cannabis. We need to be able to tell them the truth about drugs, whether they fit the Governments views or not. Remember a last year the Government allocated 20 million dollars to inform the public about the dangers of cannabis usage and mental illness. Although this goes against scientific advice, the Government still paid the money and still conducted the propaganda, which is what has been proven. People think that cannabis is dangerous, and although it has some problems in some users, the vast majority use it safely and responsibly.

We can't keep lying to our kids and tell them that cannabis is as bad as we make it out to be. The children will not believe us and will not believe us in relation to other drugs like amphetamines. Does Mr Paul Dillon believe that lower cannabis consumption rates have anything to do with the Government trying to up the sentances of cannabis users? Does Mr Paul Dillon prefer that our kids use Ecstacy and meth-amphetamines over cannabis?

Why does the Sunrise show not even look for alternative points of views instead of reporting what is spoon fed to them by people with vested interests.


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The is the second letter I sent to the sunrise team,



I would like to offer our assistance to your show in relation to material concerning cannabis prohibition. We are a group of dedicated cannabis consumers, and we wholeheartedly agree that cannabis should be legalised, taxed and regulated, in much the same way as the more dangerous alcohol and cigarettes. It should be allowed not only for the sick and dieing patients that need relief, but for people that want a safer recreational activity, than alcohol.

If you would like any questions answered then please write up a list and send it to my email address and we can confer and reply accordingly. We are not a group of stoners sitting around eating pizza and watching TV, instead we are honest, hardworking, taxpaying, voting Australians who feel that we have a right to be heared.

With over 12 percent of the population having tried it, and over three hundred thousand daily users, (that is the amount of people that would actually have the guts to admit it), it is something that affects a significant proportion of the people. But the social effects of cannabis law enforcement of cannabis is felt by the whole community. We taxpayers have wasted Billions of dollars trying to enforce something that is unenforceable. Our court system is backlogged and our prisons are overflowing. It is about time that the innocent cannabis users are released to make way for the violent offenders that actually damage a society.

For 70 odd years, during prohibition, we have been degraded, demoralised, victimised and locked up in jail, because of lies and propaganda that has been spread by the people that were meant to be our elected officials, working for the people. Cannabis prohibition is a moral crime, no matter which way you look at it. If you don't believe this then you do not have all the facts. We can answer any questions, and debunk many of the myths created by prohibitionists, with scientific facts. It is time for the real truth to be told to the masses, so we ask you to please help us to help the country.



Obviously if I get any replies I will be starting a new thread to discuss questions and answers, but to be honest I am not going to hold my breath for a reply.




But the social effects of cannabis law enforcement of cannabis is felt by the whole community. --- This bit did not make much sense

Edited by auspamp
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This is my third letter to the sunrise team,



Could the sunrise team please confer with Mr Dillon and find out if the link between less people using cannabis and a rapidly growing meth-amphetamine epidemic is a coincedence or not. If that is the case then the powers that be have convinced young people that cannabis is so bad that you may as well use ice. Also I have a few questions for Mr Dillon that would be great if you could pass on.

1. Would Mr Dillon prefer to see adults consume cannabis, alcohol or Ice?

2. Would Mr Dillon please explain why the Government has gone against scientific experts in it's stance on cannabis issues.

3. Would Mr Dillon agree that because the Government and people have no control over the mass distribution of cannabis, the people that distribute cannabis through large networks are mostly organised criminals?

4. Would Mr Dillon agree that it is easier for kids to access cannabis, because of the black market, rather than cigarettes or alcohol?

5. Would Mr Dillon agree that his job relies on cannabis prohibition, so it is in his best interests to demonise the plant?

6. Would Mr Dillon agree that cannabis useage does not cause as many problems to society than alcohol?

7. Would Mr Dillon agree that thousands of people in Australia die as a direct result of alcohol or cigarette consumption, yet there has never been a single recorded death attributed to cannabis?

8. Would Mr Dillon agree that the Australian taxpayers are missing out on the tax revenue from the multi Billion dollar cannabis trade.

9. Would Mr Dillon agree that because of our policy towards alcohol advertising that our children are being exposed to it on a regular basis, will predispose them to be alcohol users?

10. Would Mr Dillon agree that due to the illegality of cannabis, many users would be to afraid to admit to useing it, so therefore the usage statistics can be dramaticaly underestimated?




Come on guys, lets hound the fuckers untill they listen. But as mentioned earlier, lets try to be polite and coherent.

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On sunrise this morning I see that they repot that there is a link to schitzophrenia and cannabis but that it tenuous ( that is flimsy ) evidence.

Thats good , I suppose. It would have been better if it had have been discussed when DILLon was on as it then would have had an impact.


I repeat : At NO time have I EVER posted ANYWHERE as Jess Stone from OzStoners,

I ALWAYS post as

Jess Stone from Drug Test Scam .com , A FACT.

I did up a blog story explaining why I am angryadmin@drugtestscam ,(however I killed it and had no draft so I'll do it up again when I have time but its about some of these points)its over 30 years of going to rallies ,writing letters,sending emails and it has got me(us) NO where,being Mr/Mrs/Ms./Miss Nice Polite Person has achieved Nada,Nil,Nought,Sweet FA,Zero,Zilch,Zip in regards to changing the law in fact its gotten worse ,way worse. In 1976 I believe and I have consulted friends and aquaintances about this and they remember it as well,I have found 1 reference to this ,fortunately on the NSW government website. The Attorney General of NSW the minister in charge of the law ,the chief lawmaker in NSW under the new ALP Neville Wran government

his name was Frank Walker * ,he announced that the NSW Gov. would be looking into cannabis laws with a view to LEGALISING cannabis
,it was in the newspapers of the day and I believe draft legislation may have made it into the chamber,then the police threatened the Police Minister who then said over his dead body and then liberal would-be hack candidate Donald McKay got himself topped by the Griffith Mafia who were partners with corrupt NSW police (the real reason the cops wanted it to stay illegal as they were making piles of $$$$ not concern for the kiddies then a lot of them were nailed in a Royal Commission)

So in 30 years we have gone backwards at an alarming rate . From legalisation a real possibility to 24 years in gaol for 200 hydro plants because your a normal adult and you have kids. Thats just part of the reason I am angry.


* It was mega hard finding this one and only reference to this event in fact it took about 7-8 hours straight on all the search engines to find it . Its in a bizarre speech by MLC Elaine Nile wife of MLC Reverend Fred Nile (both INSANE) of the religious Call to Australia Party its about 1/3 down the page after a really bizarre discussion about cannibalism(?) in fact her speech is so bizarre and disjointed and seemingly wandering through unrelated topics one would have to wonder if she was stoned :peace:.

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and my forth and maybe last



I was wondering if the sunrise team could answer some questions for me please.

1. Considering that cannabis is tolerated in Holland and illegal in the United Kingdom, why are usage rates almost twice as high in the United Kingdom?

2. If cannabis potency has increased somewhat in the last few decades, doesn't that mean that users actually use less of the drug, which would be better for their respiritory system?

3. If cannabis usage has always increased over time, throughout the world, why has the schitzophrenia rates stayed around 1 percent worldwide?

4. Cannabis has been proven effective at treating or relieving symptoms, for a wide range of illnesses, why is it not legal for medicinal usage?

5. Why would American authorities class cannabis as category 1, which has no medicinal value, but then authorise the sale of Marinol and Sativex, which are both derived from cannabis?

6. If the cannabis plant releases oxygen 5 times faster than any other plant, why is it not mass planted to help replenish the oxygen levels and create a cleaner environment for our children?

7. If there are three hundred thousand daily users of Cannabis in Australia, then why are there not three hundred thousand raving lunatics roaming our streets on a daily basis?

8. Why can a person be found guilty of driving under the influence of cannabis, even though they may have had cannabis days before being pulled over, and clearly not intoxicated?

9. Why do we always hear news stories about violence, car crashes, crime and other antisocial behaviour, because of alcohol, but cannabis users rarely make the news about these serious problems?

10. Why do we condone spending thousands of dollars in locking up one individual, when he committed a victimless crime?



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I like the idea of stoners joining forces on the net, watching for the anti cannabis propaganda and then responding in numbers.


Keep hitting them with the truth guys. Someone might listen one day you never know your luck.


This is the one I sent:


Is Sunrise interested in helping to spread the truth about cannabis? If so please consider the following.


It is important to understand that cannabis prohibition is a political issue, born from prejudice and racism. The modern cannabis prohibition laws originated in the USA in the early 1900’s. It was a political issue without ethical justification or support from the scientific community. In fact the cannabis prohibition laws were actually opposed by the American Medical Association at the time.


To give you an idea of the insane thinking which brought about modern cannabis prohibition, here are some quotes from Harry J. Anslinger who was the main political driving force behind these laws at the time.


"...the primary reason to outlaw marijuana is its effect on the degenerate races."


"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death."


"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."


"Marihuana leads to pacifism and communist brainwashing"


"You smoke a joint and you're likely to kill your brother."


"Marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind."



So the facts of the matter are, cannabis prohibition laws have their origins in ignorance, racism, and out and out lies, as well as selfish personal agendas of certain individuals such as William Randolf Hearst, and they did not only have no support from the AMA, but they were actually opposed by the AMA.


For more detailed information and the REAL reasons cannabis prohibition came about go to http://blogs.salon.com/0002762/stories/200...anaIllegal.html


So since I brought up the AMA, lets talk about the medicinal issue.


Why is cannabis not legal for Doctors to prescribe? Ask any Doctor, they will tell you, there are numerous drugs which are more addictive and more dangerous that they are allowed to prescribe to patients. So why not cannabis?


The medicinal value of cannabis cannot be denied. There is evidence to support not only its medicinal values but its relative safety from all over the world and is currently legally prescribed in many countries including the USA. Cannabis use can be of an enormous benefit to people suffering from AIDS, glaucoma, cancer, and multiple sclerosis among many other conditions. And there are methods of consuming cannabis other than smoking it, such as vaporisation or ingestion which are completely harmless to your health.


If you are unfamiliar with the body of evidence that supports the medicinal use of cannabis, I suggest you do some reading at the following sites:





So the question is, why is a drug, which has undeniable medicinal value, is less addictive and less dangerous than current legal drugs ie alcohol and nicotine, and a myriad of legally prescribed drugs, not available to Australian patients?


The answer is simple. Cannabis prohibition is a political issue not based on logic or facts.


What problems in our society does cannabis really cause?


Cannabis doesn’t have the tendency to make people aggressive and violent as does alcohol. Cannabis is less addictive than both alcohol and nicotine. Cannabis is less damaging to your health than alcohol and nicotine. Cannabis can be consumed without smoking.


These laws are an insane persecution of a group of people who make a personal choice to add some enjoyment to their lives, not to mention the many who could benefit from its medicinal values.


I consume cannabis on a daily basis and have done for many years. Do I sound psychotic to you? The fact of the matter is most cannabis users are just normal everyday people and most won’t openly admit their use through fear of judgment and persecution. Sure abuse of cannabis can make pre existing mental conditions worse, but this is no justification to make it illegal. Mentally ill people who smoke cannabis are often paraded as examples of so called “cannabis psychosis”. However there is a big difference between a mentally ill person smoking cannabis, and a normal person smoking cannabis and then becoming mentally ill. Do some research on mentally ill people who down a bottle of vodka every day. I doubt they’re doing too well, but it would be silly to make buying a bottle of vodka illegal for the rest of us wouldn’t it?


FACT: Doctors see mentally ill patients who smoke cannabis because they end up in the health system. They don’t see the many normal everyday cannabis users who are healthy functioning individuals, because mostly they are not in the health system, or at least have no reason to discuss their cannabis use with their Doctor.


I can tell you from personal experience, cannabis is a relatively harmless drug. It is not addictive. It is not dangerous. It should not be illegal.


And what about the waste of tax payer’s money and police and justice system resources?


What about the lost revenue the government could be collecting on this multi million dollar industry?


What about the fact that current laws do not prevent cannabis use, but rather allow criminal organizations to profit through its sale?


What about the fact that the cannabis laws make it impossible to regulate the drug, and therefore make it more available to children?


Please, let facts and logic dictate this issue, not political correctness.

Modern anti cannabis laws just don’t make sense whatever way you look at it. Even if you believe that cannabis is harmful to the user in some way, the logical position would still be to legalise it and regulate it. The only thing cannabis prohibition laws achieve is creating a profitable way for criminals to suck money out of an otherwise non criminal community and losing all control over the industry which makes it more available to children and puts a substance out there that is being consumed on a large scale with no quality control. While cannabis is generally safe to use, if uneducated growers improperly use chemicals or pesticides their product could create some health concerns.


When you look at it, cannabis prohibition creates more problems than it solves, so even if you disagree with people who choose to use cannabis, the logical approach is still to support law reform.


If you like you can get your “experts” on cannabis use to respond to anything I’ve written here, or to provide arguments or details of scientific research of their own, and I will be happy to show you how they are wrong, and that the facts of the matter are not on their side, or on anyone’s side who supports cannabis prohibition for that matter.

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Neostone i cant belive some stupid fucker way back then came up with that shit. How the fuck could people let that happen :rolleyes: . I just hope common sense will prevail one day in the future. We can only hope . At work today reading the paper and it has a big report about how much alcohol is fucking up teens. Had all the evidence that that legal drug claims more fatalities then all the illicit drugs combined :peace: . When i get really drunk i always end up waking up in the moring with some street sign or object in me back yard :thumbsup: . I have never done anything like that smoking weed just like to chill and enjoy stuff.



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