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Kochie and Kerry Anne Kennerly

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"DRUGS ARE BAD KIDDIES! (except for alcohol

which we sometimes consume on air. The kiddies

can see that if they want to. It's okay, it's different!)"


David Koch went in to bat for the prohibitionists yesterday (Monday) on 7's Sunrise when he applauded the results of this new study which shows that pot is now "uncool" amongst Australia's youth and that the government funded "education program" in schools is working. I recorded their interview with Paul Dillon of the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre. Just in case you missed it here is my transcript of the interview:

It is 10 minutes past 7 o'clock. Now there's been a major shift in the way young people view cannabis use. Instead of being cool and harmless more believe it's dangerous and unacceptable. So why has there been this change in attitude? Let's ask one of the researchers, Paul Dillon from the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre.
Paul this is terrific news. Why the change?
Well I think what the Pfizer health report has highlighted is that more young people actually regard cannabis use as unacceptable. And I think it's got an awful lot to do with the prevention strategies that we've put in place and demand reduction strategies we've put into place. But also overall smoking within our community is deemed unacceptable. And I think that now people are realising finally that it's not just tobacco that's the problem. It's any any smoking that's problematic.
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Well we talk about different strategies on tackling these issues. You talk about them working. Which of them have been the big successes in terms of the strategies?
Definitely our school drug education programs have done really, really well. I think what we've decided to tackle now is not looking at long term physical health effects, which young people really don't relate to very well, we've really targeted social impacts. So things like how it will affect your relationships? How will it affect your work performance? And how it will affect your finances? These are thing that really matter to young people. And I think what we've really seen is a change, in my day, you know, the kids who... who were stoned were the cool group. And you talk to your people they're the group of guys who hang around on a Friday night and eat pizza.
And so it's really seen as socially unacceptable... ahh, to be stoned.
That's terrific cause peer pressure is the way to go. It's the most powerful way of influencing young kids. Just remind us about the dangers of marijuana. Cause a lot of people would still say, and we hate using this word here on the show, and we don't – a recreational drug – it's not like playing soccer or footy or netball is it, it has serious consequences.
Yes it does. I mean it's important to remember that, you know, a third of the population have ever tried cannabis. And a lot of people have no problems with it. But unfortunately those people who do have serious problems not only affecting them but their families and people around them. So it's important to know there are risks associated with the drug. And definitely the drug, the problem that is highlighted many times is psychological problems. That if you have a pre disposition ahh to a mental health issue then, you know, this is not a drug you should come close to. But I also think it's really important to remember that the number one problem that cannabis smoker will experience is respiratory problems. Just like any other smoker.
N'kay. And I'm interested whether the research looked at the penalties that the community now wants for marijuana use. Usually, sort of traditionally, we've gone a bit soft haven't we, in terms of people caught using marijuana? Do...does the public, or do young people want those implications to be a lot stronger now, if you are caught?
Well it's interesting cause, ahh, the Pfizer health report has shown no. They actually, ah ah, are very into treatment. They see this now as a health issue not a law enforcement issue. If someone gets caught and they have a problem with the drug fix the problem don't necessarily just get tough on them. So I think there's a better understanding of drug problems in general.
Mmm, and a really sensible attitude too.
Well I think it is and I think overall um this has actually shown that there's some really good things happening around getting information about drugs to young people.
Excellent, it's good to hear. Paul thanks for joining us and telling us about it. It is coming up to 14 minutes past 7.
Fuck, I've never heard Kochie sound like Darth Vader before.


In addition to the regular TV news and print media being controlled by the prohibitionists I notice that light topical shows like Kerry Anne Kennerly feature regular segments denigrating the properties of drugs like cannabis and heroin. (She loves to address those two issues and the same time so that they look similar.) She never has segments dealing with the properties of tobacco or alcohol (because they're legal I presume.) A few months ago I saw she had guests on who said they were so glad to give up cannabis or heroin. As these former drug users gave their story she didn't bat an eyelid as they described their prison stint to "dry out", as though a prison stint is a perfectly normal progression in the life any drug user. In another segment she featured an "expert" who said that cannabis riddles you with cancer. (It doesn't 1, 2.)


She is a prohibitionist bigot. Like the cream rising to the top, stepping on the heads of the oppressed drugs users who always seem to hit a glass ceiling in their own careers, she is laughing all the way to the bank. I guess Eddie (McGuire) must love her. I notice that Channel 9 has this new bullshit law and order show, The Code: Crime and Justice. It depicts cannabis grow operation busts as just run-of-the mill arrests, just real routine like any other crime. Fuck them.


It just goes to show that all top media people are "cleansed" before they get there to make sure that only the prohibitionists make it to the top.

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Well that’s it guys, if marijuana is now uncool I’m not going to smoke it anymore! Sure I’ve got glaucoma and nothing else works like dope but Ray Charles was blind and he was still cool.


So if it’s uncool what choice do I have? In fact I’m going to try to look like David Koch from now on. So if you see a blind guy who looks like Kochie being led around by a tasteless Kerri-Anne Kennel look alike come up and say, “Hello” to two of the coolest people in Woy Woy.


And if there are any women reading this who don’t smoke dope and who are as vacuous and inane as Kerri Anne and who are looking for a bald guy who’s about to go blind send me an email while I can still read it and we can get together over a glass of piss because unless it’s home brew every time I have a drink I’ll be helping the government.


How cool is that?


Al “Kochie” Fish

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who are Australia's cannabis activists?


who is attempting to contact Sunrise to put forward our point of view?


no one thats who. B)


Will this do Pipey?


Dear Ms Martin,

its so good to see yet again "factual" information being presented in an "unbiased" way by your "reputable" TV entertainment show when it comes to the HARMLESS HERB cannabis and yes it is harmless the OVERWHELMING weight of peer-reviewed scientific studies confirm this but of course your ability at Sunrise to conduct factual research for stories you are doing obviously does not go beyond the first entry in a Google search believe it or not Governments tell lies Ms Martin,what a revelation for you,imagine I need to tell you that FACT ,I mean to say the war criminal howard never told any lies to enable him to send soldiers to an illegal foreign invasion of an innocent and defenseless country did he?. Of course that dill Paul Dillon isn't a paid government shill propagandist, he has genuine concern for our kiddies ,ha ha ha all that little snivelling liar cares about is his precious superannuation probably much like yourself ,you know that old canard "just doing my job" well you shill propagandist thats what nazis scum said to justify screwing over the lives of innocent people in Germany in the 1930's and now it seems a neo-nazi movement of scum want to lock innocent ,harmless citizens in gaol for 20+ years for growing and using a plant all so they can make money selling their sham products,services and ideas like driver drug testing equipment that when one researches it one finds its "junk science" and I wonder if you think its OK to lock up growers and users of cannabis for 20+ years, are you a neo-nazi? Are you in denial?. SHAME on you and be advised Drug Test Scam and believe me we get a lot of hits will be attacking the veracity of your pathetic populist propaganda entertaiment show.

Jess Stone. Drug Test Scam .com


Martin is the current affairs producer they also have a soapbox and other contact, am I the only one here motivated enough? You've had a smoke now do some activism,if we all did one thing a day progress would be made,there is power in numbers. B)


:thumbdown: :peace:

Edited by Jess Stone
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what bigot cunts :peace:


pipeman, even if there were 100,000 pro cannabis people marching down parliment house holding a 100ft long joint with enough smoke coming out the back to cloud all of canberrra they wouldnt get much tv time and the time they got would be showing them in the background with someone like david koche saying weed makes you do crazy things like what you can see on tv atm B)


we live in a really fucked world and im starting to believe that the only way to get people's attention away from the governments properganda is to make films like grass which go on about the war on drugs, but you could make one so much better than that and have it change even people like john howard and their stance towards cannabis :thumbdown:

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And I sent this one off to Sunrise SoapBox ,FUCK THEM THE GLOVES ARE OFF AND I WANT TO FIGHT ,HURT and WIN and I will !

Wake up to yourselves and stop being lazy do some research and then you will learn something ,that the overwhelming weight of peer-reviewed scientific data on cannabis concludes that it is harmless and in fact may be beneficial in many ways for many reasons eg latest Alziemers,sperm motility,pain relief etc . People who support draconian anti-cannabis laws that lock people up for 20+ years for growing and using cannabis are as bad as the Nazis and the way they treated their drug victims and others. If you support these laws you should be ashamed as you are no better than a nazi.

ps I darte you to publish this BRONWYN MARTIN and hoochie Koochie man I don't believe you will as 1] your gutless pseudo-journalists 2] Your willing government propagandists 3]Your probably fascists and are in such delusion you can't admit it to yourselves 4]If you believe 20+ years or in fact any gaol at all is acceptable for growing and using a plant then you really are a nazi ,end of story FACT.

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This was my anonymous email to the Sunrise team:


"I would like to comment on the story Sunrise covered on the Australian ‘Cannabis Culture’ and how ‘detrimental’ it is to our society. It’s such a relief to know that the television hosts we thought were intelligent and trying to make a positive difference to our Aussie way of life are, in fact, just another member of the ‘reefer madness’ bandwagon. It’s refreshing to see that those who support the continual prohibition of what are deemed ‘illicit’ drugs are partaking in the use (and abuse) of drugs that are even more socially damaging, and legal. When was the last time you heard a marijuana-smoker coming home and beating his wife, or his kids? The biggest drug issue of modern times is not the humble herb, but alcohol. Look at the Schoolies celebration, for example. That’s testament to the fact that alcohol not only rules the lives of many of its victims here in Australia, it has now become part of the culture of our most precious resources – our children.


It’s no secret the members of the Sunrise team partake in the use of this dangerous and highly-toxic drug, as it is mentioned quite regularly on the show in affectionate and often understood terms. I feel hurt that I have to endure this kind of persecution in my own country, only because of the conscious choice of the drug I use. What was uncovered by this survey is a wake-up call to Australians to realize the magnitude of propaganda that is being spread not only by our government but by those abroad, also. To wage a ‘war on drugs’ is to admit defeat at the start – as long as the human race continues to live there will always be a problem with drugs. As long as the population knows how to cultivate/grow/synthesize drugs, they will always be a part of our lives. Drugs are not the problem, prohibition is. I thought we’d learnt our lesson from the Americans when they abolished alcohol prohibition, but I guess we have learnt nothing from history, as per usual. Should the penalties for using a drug far, far outweigh the negative aspects of the use of the drug?


I feel sickened to know that influential people such as yourselves continue to encourage the use of tobacco and alcohol, disassociate them from other drugs (despite the fact they are the most dangerous ones), and yet persecute a large proportion of the population who are law-abiding citizens that contribute greatly to their society. Are we to judge which substances we can use and which we can’t? As far as I’m concerned, this is an extreme violation of our inalienable human rights. But hey, what else are governments for?"

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