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Pain Kill;

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:thumbdown: Hi crew, I am not a [ Scientist or Doctor], an dont claim to be one OK,Its just my opinion thats all folks My Pain is due to Disc protrusion,s and nerveroot damage,I have smoked weed for the past 35yrs to help kill the pain in my lowwer back&legs &feet and [Vaporize] my weed now in a volcano vaporizer,Vaporizing for me seems to kill the pain a lot better for me.In the past few months i have been vaporizing a weed called [sTONED/RHINO] and it is from the Celtic Stone range of seeds,and no shit it really seems to kill the nerve pain, I kid ya not,go ahaed and try it you will be just as suprized and please as i was, so besta luck an hope it works as well as it dose for me.regards Chippy :peace: B) Edited by chippy
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You're not the first person I've heard say that vaping works better than smoking for pain.. there are others who will tell you the opposite and still others will say that eating is more effective and long lasting.


It is both the main strength and the main weakness of Cannabis as a legitimate pain reliever that there are so many strains.. THC and 60+ different cannabidinoids in slightly different combinations strain by strain means there is almost certainly a combination that will work for your particular type of pain/ailment/body chemistry, but finding it can be a long process. This also means that it's very hard to say that strain "X" is good for everyone, which is IMO, one reason medicinal trials have had such widely varying results.


It's great that you've found a method/strain combo that works well for you, I'd personally suggest that you try and build a selection of 3 or 4 strains that do the job, switching between them will help to ward off any potential tolerance problems (some people never seem to have a tolerance build up, others can after only a few weeks).


Thanks for letting us know about your findings.. hopefully it will help someone else in their search for relief. :thumbdown:

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Hey Chippy my back is also fucked from a disc protrusion. Not much fun. I get back and leg pain that flares up every now and then. I was a recreational user until i started getting problems and i noticed that i was reaching for pot in preference to conventional pain killers. This can be really debilitating and keeps me bed ridden on occasion. I would take pot in preference to almost any other pain killer.


I have recently started using a vapor pipe but i haven't had back pain lately. Can't afford the volcano yet. Its good to know vapourising still works for pain. Eating is also great. I am looking at new strains now and as Downunderdoper says it is good to switch strains. Never heard of Celtic stones stoned/rhino but i'll have a look. Planet skunk ??? Best of luck with your back.

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