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(2007) How much does an ounce cost you?

How much does an ounce cost you?  

76 members have voted

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There's an excellent poll here started by niall about the price of an ounce, but it was started way back in 2003! So here's one for 2007 :thumbdown:


It's exactly the same as the 2003 poll so i'll use niall's original wording ...

No homegrown please, just black-market retail prices. Anything from mates rates to premium rip-off, just an accurate figure of what you've paid for cannabis on the black market. Could be just your last price or the usual/average price you pay.


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between 180-320


180- is crappy high school kid bag seed hydro or some bush bud up north/south


250 is the normal hydro price.. other parts of the city 280-300(premo) is what u pay


320 for premo, or areas where the connex arnt that good


But then Sydney weed isnt alwys good.. some places its killer but most its so so..

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Had the young fellas at work hit me up for some buds, which they try not too as I pay out on em, so they must be finding it dry at the moment?? strange? anyway, sold them 9 grams for a $100 in 2 $50 bags of the same bud I took to Nimbin this year.

If I had some spare cash I could grab a pound of primo outdoor skunk from the Sunshine Coast for $2800 a pound, $750 a quarter pound. $3000 delivered hehe.

Fuck that shit though, been there done that, all ya get in return is more drama :D

total cost 35$ an oz

can it be any easier


I'm with bil

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