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Cannabis' lost appeal

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Cannabis' lost appeal


Federal MP Christopher Pyne believes a new report showing young Australians no longer consider cannabis harmless, indicates the government's drugs campaign works.


The National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre study suggests marijuana has become socially unfashionable in the same way as cigarettes.


The drug once perceived as harmless is now overwhelming viewed as dangerous, addictive and linked to a range of serious health and social problems.


Mr Pyne says the government's most recent National Drugs Campaign focused on the effect that cannabis can have on young people.




I'll see if I can find which report Mr Pyne is reefering to this time.


I'll also see what I can find about the correlating rise in Amphetamine based drug use, and if there is also an increase in binge drinking (after all, alcohol is harmless enough that it doesn't even need warning labels according to Mr Pyne)

But a push by the Australian Drug Foundation and the Australian Medical Association to have warning labels similar to those on cigarette packets has been rejected. Mr Munro wants warnings to alert pregnant women to the danger of drinking, and to remind people of the risk of driving or using machinery after drinking.


He said health warnings were necessary to balance alcohol advertising that "pretends that drinking is only done by attractive young people who never get drunk, never assault anyone, never get sick".


Advertising never mentioned the $7.5 billion-a-year social cost of alcohol through accidents, injuries, crime, violence and disease, or the 3000 alcohol-related deaths each year, he said.


Mr Pyne said he did not support such "heavy-handed" regulation.


"The Commonwealth's view is that alcohol and tobacco are not similar products," he said. "Every cigarette is doing you damage, but not every drink does you damage. To give them an equivalence would be a mistake, and the Commonwealth will not be signing up to warning labels on alcoholic products.



Edited by DownUnderDoper
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Hey downunderdoper, your threads really push my buttons man :doh:

Thankyou for highlighting Federal MP Christopher Paynes ignorance and utter contempt for people he is suppossed to represent :helpsmilie:

We should put together an Oz Stoners information pack and start emailing these tossers some of their own studies back to them AND GET THE DUMB FUCKS TO READ THEM THIS TIME

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Yeah, this is bad news. In an article called Government anti-dope campaign 'working' from News Limited it says that:

68 per cent thought cannabis use could lead to other crimes.
This is frightening because it supports the conclusion that cannabis users should be criminalized, the argument being that they're going to commit other crimes anyway, or go nuts, so... It's too bad the sheeple are so gullible. It's going to end up being that the only cannabis users will be revolutionaries, the type who are unable to be tricked by the lie campaign. And they will have to try to avoid persecution from the new up-and-coming bigot majority being trained to replace the old one. In another article it says:
Mr Dillon said prevention programs, particularly school drug education programs, were doing a great job teaching about the harm of cannabis.
Yeah great job fuckwit – more propaganda.


Australia: bigot nation. I'm moving to Canada.

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It's not surprising really. There's been years of the misinformation campaign and you have to search hard for the truth. Howard is just getting together his own version of the Hitler youth.


Downunderdoper, your probably right in thinking there has been an increase in other drugs especially amphetamines and alcohol( a nice safe alternative!!!!) Are they going to run an anti violence campaign to cope with the consequences of this?


Politically this is a truly fucked up backwards country we live in at the moment.

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