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Has a false positive drug test ruined or disrupted your life?

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Has a false positive drug test ruined or disrupted your life?

More than 250 over the counter or prescription drugs can cause you to test positive on a drug test.


False Positive Drug Testing

Has a false positive drug test ruined or disrupted your life?

More than 250 over the counter or prescription drugs can cause you to test positive on a drug test.


* Pain relievers such as Advil, Nuprin, Motrin

* Menstrual cramp medications like Midol and Trendar

* Ibuprofen is known to cause positive samples for Marijuana

* Anti inflammatories such as Naproxyn

* Dristan Nasal Spray, Neosynephren, Vicks Nasal Spray, Sudafed

* Over the counter appetite suppressants which contain propanolamine

* Common nasal decongestants can cause a positive reading for Amphetamines

* Medications containing chloropromazine and fluspirilene may yield a positive when tested for amphetamines

* Vicks Formula 44M containing Dextromethorphan, and Primatene-M containing perylamine as well as the pain reliever Demerol, and prescription anti-depressant Elavil test positive for opiates up to three days

* Quinine water can also cause a positive reading for opiates.

* Poppy Seeds such as the ones on a bagel from your favorite deli, represent a potentially serious source of falsely positive results in testing opiate abuse.

* Nyquil Nighttime Cold Medicine will test positive for Methadone up to two days.

* Amoxicillin has caused positives for cocaine

* Diazepam tests positive for PCP

* A small fraction of the population excrete large amounts of endogenons lysozyme or malate dehydrogenase in their urine which can produce a positive drug test.

* Africans and certain Orientals might test positive for marijuana due to the pigment melanin in their skin which shows up in a dark person's urine sample.

* Second hand marijuana or cocaine that you might inhale may give your test a positive result for several days.

Hair and urine testing is highly susceptable to false positive drug testing - to the point that some experts call such testing "junk science". People with dark skin are particularily susceptable to false drug testing results when exposure to second hand marijuana or cocaine smoke is absorbed into their hair. :helpsmilie:


Register your Drug Testing Abuse Case

If you feel you qualify for damages or remedies that might be awarded in a possible false positive drug testing class action or lawsuit, please click the link below to submit your complaint.


Article and complaint form :doh:


Oops I didn't use fuck so ,What a fucking joke or as the article says "JUNK SCIENCE"

Edited by Jess Stone
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Hey Jess, I misssed out on employment start of last year as I failed a urine test 4 weeks after stopped smoking cannabis. These were the 2 weeks before and after christmas when everyone was partying hard too! damn it! :doh:

Took a full 10 weeks before I could even pass one for another job!! I'm not overweight either. Don't smoke ciggas.

This was the 3rd time failing one of theses. 2nd time cost me another job also. First failure was with a previous employer who let me resit the test. I don't work major projects anymore as a result, fuck 'em.

Current employers know I smoke and turn a blind eye, I assume because they can't get any tradesmen. Hooray for the skills shortage :helpsmilie:

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I have had a False Positive Drug tests back when i was younger, had to clean my act up at the time or face doing time so i had cleaned my self up, i had been clean for over 3 months no smoking no drinking no drugs at all, 2 weeks before court i did a piss test and it can back positive for speed.


I then went of my tree and told them to do another one because i knew i was clean so they did and this one came back all clear, they dident bleave me that i was clean but had no choice and had to by what all the tests said i was clean for all of them but one that could of been a stuff up...

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