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Former friend 'ruined Corby's last chance'

Tuesday Feb 13 05:00 AEDT

By ninemsn staff and wires


Mercedes Corby has defended her sister Schapelle, lashing out at a former friend's claims that the convicted drug smuggler tried to entice her to transport drugs to Bali.


The Seven Network's Today Tonight ran the claims in a paid interview with Queensland woman Jodi Power, who Mercedes says was motivated by spite.


Mercedes is planning legal action against the network, which she says has potentially ruined her sister's last opportunity for freedom, The Daily Telegraph reports.


"Schapelle is in her final appeal and for Jodi to come out and lie is low," Mercedes said.


"If there was a shred of truth in these claims, why wouldn't she have gone to the police instead of going on national TV and getting paid for it?"


In the Today Tonight interview, Power also claimed to have seen a vacuum-sealed bag in Schapelle's home that was later used to smuggle marijuana into Bali.


"Mercedes asked if I would ever do it, if I would ever take drugs over to Bali, and I said no, I've got two kids and I wouldn't do that and she went on to tell me that she had taken drugs over before," Power said.


Power submitted three polygraph tests to Channel 7 to prove her claims. She failed the first, but passed the other two.


Last night Power's husband, Michael Ripley, said he doesn't believe her.


"I still believe Schapelle is completely innocent," Ripley said. "Jodi has always had a tendency to come to her own conclusions about things — and those conclusions are quite often wrong."


Mercedes told the Telegraph last night from her Bali home that Power isn't aware of the effect her actions could have on Schapelle's case.


"Jodi has got a vendetta against me. What she doesn't realise is what her lies are doing to Schapelle," she said. "My sister is sitting in jail here for 20 years for something she didn't do."

Edited by Pebbles
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so wats all this mean???

are the balinese able to reopen the case and throw her infront of firing line??

u would have to ask wat her motivation is??

i know she got some money from the story

but shorely there is something deeper seeded than financial gain

wat is it that drives people to do these things?

wat about the husband ....thats the way to support ya girl mate


im with WDC ...knock the cunt down



watch today tonight tonight

it says alot that her husband dont want nothing to do with her..

i wonder if she has left the gold coast yet??

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yeah.. i would walk up to her all nice,, then while she is talking give he two quick flicks to the throat and say..

Talk shit now? - [let her calls the cops i could pass as a lebbo,blend in]


Then walk away- were i hope to see some1 similar like WDC run up and give a king hit, or if she is bent over tryna gasp her breath, a rising knee str8 up her tail bone.. Leave her for Jimbo Jones to have his way with her..


Yeah shes a dog.. all of us knew {shapel}she was guilty except for the stupid media listning australian public who think of a prettty QLD Girl.. its all those damn asians..

But to go on public TV and expose some of the secrets for financial gain while ur friend is tryna beat a 3rd world currpt nations system, what a selfish way to kick a m8 when they are down..


You can tell this friend was only a friend for the good times,, the free pot- the status and a lil bit of rah and rah and now she is a attention whore.. i say Put on a short skirt and throw her in the middle of bankstown and give her a shirt..

Dick Wash 24 Hours a Day


EDIT: P.S- i dont no why people try and import weed into bali, or indonesia- they have prime climate just bad genetics, a simple Outdoor/Greenhouse Hydro set up- and u have problem solved.. if u get busted- pay the cops off let em take the shit, beter then jail time.... Good Genetics- Lots of Sun Light. (if u use soil- good volcanic soil) n if u want, use a aircon do climate control for indica..

Edited by 123abc
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yeah its like banging your head up against a wall trying to get anything done legally over there.

The money would have been better spent paying mercenaries to bring her back hah, but in all seriousness who the fucks gonna hang around this bird now?


Shes a rat. i hope she gets whats coming to her and good on her husband coming out and saying shes full of shit.

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yeah but problem with asia is most things are popularity contests- little things like this will play influence to he judge.. its not evidence.. but it does add a binding agent to the already solid case against corby..


For a friend to profit of your dis honour is not good.. i am sure is corby made it threw and was shouting drinks (or other) she would have been aroud for the good times.. Skanks.. This is why i dont trust many of these kinda people, sell u out for nothing- it aint evidence but she still a RAT.. - any money that could have been raised for legal costs(bribes) by misleading the australian public using the not-guilty note, has been hinderd

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I just watched tt for that story and that show hasnt changed much, just has a new biznitch mouthing.

Still the same 'moral' enforcers, using little facts and plenty of emotion laced bs.

In the process they continued the demonization of cannabis. :peace:


It looked like Mercedes and Jodie have had a blue over whatever. Jodie got back at her that way, which will cost far more than tt paid her in the long run.

Looks like her mum already has a broken nose.

Her mum doesn't lie very well either, lucky she didn't take the polygraph.


Eat shit today tonight... YOU SHOULD HAVE DEMONIZED PROHIBITION, and all the irrationality that comes from it. :freak:

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