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Ice pipes, bong components banned

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This law will have exactly ZERO impact on the use or uptake of this (or any other) drug, by kids or adults and Uncle Petey knows it.


so what was the point exactly?? the Govt pedalling the illusion that it's being "HARD ON DRUGS!"


while i agree that it will have fuck all effect due to other consumption methods, i personally draw the line when it comes to drugs like meth, herion, crack, etc. because those harder drugs ruin not only the life of the user, the user usually ruins the lives of the people around them to support their habit :peace:

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I did make the point about harming nobody but themselves didn't I??


You're making the same mistake as the government.. you're lumping users in with abusers..


Who are you to tell another adult where their line should be???


If you are going to apply "The Law" to a drug based only on the outcomes of the heaviest of users then you obviously not only would like cannabis to stay illegal but would be a huge supporter of making alcohol illegal as well.. go look at what the heaviest users of either of those drugs can do to those around them..


Drug abuse of any drug is a Health problem.. trying to fix it with prohibition does nothing but make it into a community problem AND a Health problem.

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sadly, just because you are abusing your own body doesnt mean that it wont affect the people around you. using drugs is abusing your body regardless of wether you consume caffine through coffee or have a huge line of coke, its all abuse and there is no way you can convince me that a person's own drug consumption doesnt affect those around them.


my logic is simple, how many stressed out people at uni need their cups of coffee to get through the day? ok now what happens when they cant get their caffine hit? pot heads who cant score for a few days tend to go crazy at most things so the people around them have to walk on egg shells pretty much and the harder the drug, the worse the person is when they go without :peace: now while those situations generally only happen when the person goes without their drug of choice, most people cant afford to stay high 24/7 and still have the ability to work and function like the rest of society.


you were right about my thoughts on alcohol to a degree...i think it should be illegal, but only as long as cannabis and all the other drugs which cause less harm to society remain illegal.


come to think of it, i spose there are exceptions to my way of thinking, like people who only use drugs once in a blue moon, but imo those people are more experimenting with drugs and cant really be classed as a user of drugs as they wouldnt be on them on a regular basis :peace:

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sadly, just because you are abusing your own body doesnt mean that it wont affect the people around you. using drugs is abusing your body regardless of wether you consume caffine through coffee or have a huge line of coke, its all abuse and there is no way you can convince me that a person's own drug consumption doesnt affect those around them.


On the contrary I've never used meth and certainly don't intend to.. I don't believe the very real risks involved in using the drug are worth it.. for the same reason i've never used any other drug apart from cannabis or alcohol which i use rarely, but that does not mean that I have the right to make that choice for another adult. Using drugs does not adversley affect those around you Abusing drugs can but not necessarily will.


I drank probably 6 alcoholic drinks last year.. tell me how that adversely affected my family? Tell me how my smoking a few cones at nite after my kids are in bed affects them? I grow my own so there isn't even a financial cost to my 'habit'


my logic is simple, how many stressed out people at uni need their cups of coffee to get through the day? ok now what happens when they cant get their caffine hit? pot heads who cant score for a few days tend to go crazy at most things so the people around them have to walk on egg shells pretty much and the harder the drug, the worse the person is when they go without :peace: now while those situations generally only happen when the person goes without their drug of choice, most people cant afford to stay high 24/7 and still have the ability to work and function like the rest of society.


you're still stuck on the problems of the heaviest of users.. in order to have withdrawal symptoms, you must first have a dependency to withdraw from.. that makes you a dependant/an addict not a user


you're perfectly correct in saying that ANY drug can be abused, everything from caffine through codine and all the way up to the dreaded meth.. if you can't make it through the next week without your drug of choice you have crossed from user to dependant.. no argument from me there.. however, the majority of people who use drugs ANY drugs, even meth, do so without ever developing a dependency/addiction call it what you will



you were right about my thoughts on alcohol to a degree...i think it should be illegal, but only as long as cannabis and all the other drugs which cause less harm to society remain illegal.


come to think of it, i spose there are exceptions to my way of thinking, like people who only use drugs once in a blue moon, but imo those people are more experimenting with drugs and cant really be classed as a user of drugs as they wouldnt be on them on a regular basis :peace:


So if I only smoke hash once a year on my birthday I'm not a user?? How about once a month for my full moon ritual?? If I only drink 2 beers on Friday arvo I'm not an alcohol user??


People who only use drugs occaisionally aren't non-users they're responsible users. And they're probably (always exceptions) not doing any harm to those around them.

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i understand and totally respect where you are coming from, but in all honesty i think some drugs should remain illegal. the only other way to go about it would be to have government run labs that produce tons of drugs every day that cost next to nothing for the user. without a system like that in place there will ALWAYS be drug dependant people who will lie, cheat and steal their way to their next hit and i can assure you that if you are the person getting fucked over to supply their next hit, you'll consider them and their drug of choice a scourge upon this planet :peace:


I drank probably 6 alcoholic drinks last year.. tell me how that adversely affected my family? Tell me how my smoking a few cones at nite after my kids are in bed affects them? I grow my own so there isn't even a financial cost to my 'habit'

6 drinks in 12 months would constitute experimenting with alcohol unless all 6 drinks were consumed within a few hours which would class as binge drinking for a person who doesnt drink such as yourself. as for growing and smoking your own, you run the risk of being busted by the police for growing for starters and what happens if you and your mrs get hammered and then your kid has an accident and needs to go to the emergency room? cant drive there due to being stoned and cant risk calling an ambulance due to the chance of your grow getting discovered...while that might not reflect your situation and is hypothetical at best, there is no denying what i just mentioned is a possibility :peace:


im not trying to start a flaming war or anything like that, im just trying to point out that drugs of any discription can cause problems and everything i say is only my opinion so it shouldnt be taken seriously :ack: but i also talk from experience as i have been fucked over my fair share from junkies of all shapes and forms which makes me biased towards alot of drugs so thats just another reason not to take what i say seriously :ack:

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i understand and totally respect where you are coming from, but in all honesty i think some drugs should remain illegal. the only other way to go about it would be to have government run labs that produce tons of drugs every day that cost next to nothing for the user. without a system like that in place there will ALWAYS be drug dependant people who will lie, cheat and steal their way to their next hit and i can assure you that if you are the person getting fucked over to supply their next hit, you'll consider them and their drug of choice a scourge upon this planet :peace:


Even with a system like that, there would still likely be some addicts, but the surrounding damage that is caused by prohibition could be greatly reduced.... overdose because of varying or unknown purity would be reduced or entirely eliminated, legitimate, licensed suppliers that won't accept stolen property as payment, requiring ID for every purchase to reduce the chance of kids getting their hands on drugs, registered user programs that could track a users' rate of use and intervene before the problem became too great for them to deal with, the ability to educate a user at the point of purchase on the risks involved.


I agree there are some drugs that the world would probably be better off without... but unless you got a TARDIS handy there is no way they will disappear. There will always be people experimenting with making new drugs, there are always going to be people who want to try new drugs, and there will always be those who for whatever reason find themselves caught in a dependency.. If you think meth is as bad as it's ever going to get, you're likely to be horribly disappointed... but prohibition is not stopping it now.. never has stopped it and never will... all it does is push it out of sight and make it worse, and give politicians a way to look like they're doing something when there's an election coming up.


6 drinks in 12 months would constitute experimenting with alcohol unless all 6 drinks were consumed within a few hours which would class as binge drinking for a person who doesnt drink such as yourself.


I'm in my mid 30's.. I can assure you I have no need to experiment anymore.. it took me 6 or 7 years of 'experimenting' (sometimes daily) to realise what my usage rates should be, that has been my consumption rate for several years.


as for growing and smoking your own, you run the risk of being busted by the police for growing for starters and what happens if you and your mrs get hammered and then your kid has an accident and needs to go to the emergency room? cant drive there due to being stoned and cant risk calling an ambulance due to the chance of your grow getting discovered...while that might not reflect your situation and is hypothetical at best, there is no denying what i just mentioned is a possibility :peace:


The risk of being busted is caused by prohibition, not drug use, if drugs were legal then there would be no risk. Risk in itself does not constitute harm. As for hesitation in calling emergency services to my home, there wouldn't be any as the wellbeing of my family far outweighs my concern about being busted for my small pers grow. But that's back to the responsible user argument, part of being a responsible user is being prepared to accept the possible consequences of your drug use, whatever the drug, whatever the consequences. If you smoke ciggies you must accept the fact that you risk cancer, and don't come crying to me when your lungs fall out. :blink:


im not trying to start a flaming war or anything like that, im just trying to point out that drugs of any discription can cause problems and everything i say is only my opinion so it shouldnt be taken seriously :peace: but i also talk from experience as i have been fucked over my fair share from junkies of all shapes and forms which makes me biased towards alot of drugs so thats just another reason not to take what i say seriously :ack:


That's good.. I wasn't planning on one either. :ack: If I've sounded harsh I apologise.. but the important part of your last statement there is CAN cause problems not will.. V8 cars CAN be dangerous in some peoples hands both to the user and those around them.. in responsible users' hands they are no more dangerous than a 4 cyl, should they be made illegal too??


I've also seen up close the damage that drugs can do to people and their families, and I know for a fact that fear of prosecution has delayed some of those people (or their families) seeking help for their drug problems, prohibition makes the problem worse <edit to add> I have NEVER seen a single case where it could be shown that prohibition has reduced drug related harm, but please feel free to show me I'm wrong.


The simple fact is that prohibition is a demonstrably dismal failure as a method of drug related harm reduction.

Edited by DownUnderDoper
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I agree there are some drugs that the world would probably be better off without...
The simple fact is that prohibition is a demonstrably dismal failure as a method of drug related harm reduction.
Drug abuse of any drug is a Health problem.. trying to fix it with prohibition does nothing but make it into a community problem AND a Health problem.


i agree with you on all those points :) i think the best way of treating the "drug problem" as its know in this country is to make the vast majority of the drugs legal while only giving access to drugs like crack to currently addicted people. that way more people couldnt get addicted to those messed up drugs and the rest of the drug consuming population wouldnt have to consume their drugs in fear of being arrested :)


I'm in my mid 30's.. I can assure you I have no need to experiment anymore.. it took me 6 or 7 years of 'experimenting' (sometimes daily) to realise what my usage rates should be, that has been my consumption rate for several years.

hehehe while i now know you are way past the experimental stage, your consumption levels are that of someone who drinks once in a blue moon which is the case for you or someone who is drinking for the first time lol no offence is intended, im just really smashed and thats the way i see it hehehe


As for hesitation in calling emergency services to my home, there wouldn't be any as the wellbeing of my family far outweighs my concern about being busted for my small pers grow.

since i have know a heap of shitty parents in my time, im very happy you feel that way :thumbsup:


well im too smashed for this, i think its time to lay down lol

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Guest niall

Hey guys, just caught up on 20 pages of new posts (heh I've been gone for a bit) and this was the only thread that caught my eye.


Is anyone aware of similar legislation coming at the Federal level, perhaps Customs laws, or any other States or Territories following a ban on bongs?


Qld was already pretty bad from what I've heard, but some people have suggested this was going to spread across the country - anyone heard any rumours or Politicians talking about this yet?

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