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Ice pipes, bong components banned

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Ice pipes, bong components banned


By Roberta Mancuso


February 05, 2007 04:53pm

Article from: AAP


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SHOPS that sell pipes used to smoke the drug known as ice will face penalties of up to $10,500 under new Queensland laws banning the utensils.


Premier Peter Beattie today said Cabinet approved amendments to the Tobacco and Other Smoking Products Act 1998 which will also close a loophole that had allowed retailers to sell separate parts of cannabis utensils such as "bongs".


The laws will be introduced to state Parliament this week.


Mr Beattie said the ban on ice pipes was part of his Government's "ice-breaker strategy" and ice taskforce, which was announced late last year.


"We are doing everything in our power to remove this killer drug off our streets through a number of measures including new legislation," Mr Beattie said.


"Ice or crystal meth is fast becoming the drug of choice among a growing number of people from different backgrounds. It is highly addictive, extremely dangerous and potentially deadly."


A 2004 household survey estimated more than 95,000 Queenslanders had used methamphetamines, such as ice, in the previous 12 months.


More than 278,000 Queenslanders had at least tried the drug, which causes serious short and long-term physical and mental harm.


Health Minister Stephen Robertson said more than 500 Queensland outlets such as tobacconists and novelty shops sold utensils solely used to smoke ice such as glass pipes.


He said under the legislation retailers who sell, supply or display an ice pipe would be liable for a $300 on-the-spot fine or a maximum court fine of $10,500.


Information will be distributed to retailers about the new laws, informing them that pipes should be immediately removed from display and sale.


A statewide education campaign warning about the danger of the drug will follow.


"The first phase will target universities during orientation week this month and other tertiary education institutions," Mr Robertson said.



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Sounds as if "Teflon Pete" is ready for retirement.

There hasn't been too many people he hasn't upset lately.

It's pretty piss poor potsmokers get thrown in the same boat a meth heads...


Onya Pete, you react well with these knee-jerk reactions that are based on mis-information. Nothing like these sorta issues to take the heat off the hospital debarcle, aye...


In the last 12 months i've lost my Father and Mother-in-law due to mis-management in Qld hospitals (that's actual fact, and not beat up BS). Now ya wanna hit people like myself up that have turned their back on the health system. What's the deal, you want us all six feet under before our time is due?



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I use ice pipes (a term I don't agree with) for smoking hash...


Fundamentally we are the arbiters of what should and should not go into our bodies under our own cogniscance. Anyone or government that interferes unduly (and by that I mean generally, not in the cases of violent behaviours or things that harm others) with that right is violating my human right to get wasted on what I choose.


Sure, Ice is bad. So bad they give forms of it to pilots flying multi-million dollar aircraft. So bad it's been used as a medicine for a significant period of time.


Drugs ARE NOT EVIL. There is no consciousness behind it, and there are far more, vastly more, people who try and even use drugs on a reasonably regular basis who don't have any problems with it.


Voodoo pharmacology.... "try this once and you'll be hooked...."


Sorry, but it's more like "if you're someone with a susceptible personality and biological make up, you MIGHT be hooked, but in the end, being addicted IS A CHOICE."




Damn nanny state.....

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Sounds as if "Teflon Pete" is ready for retirement.

There hasn't been too many people he hasn't upset lately.

It's pretty piss poor potsmokers get thrown in the same boat a meth heads...


Onya Pete, you react well with these knee-jerk reactions that are based on mis-information. Nothing like these sorta issues to take the heat off the hospital debarcle, aye...


In the last 12 months i've lost my Father and Mother-in-law due to mis-management in Qld hospitals (that's actual fact, and not beat up BS). Now ya wanna hit people like myself up that have turned their back on the health system. What's the deal, you want us all six feet under before our time is due?



Hate to sound callous.. but as long as he doesn't have to budget for it, he doesn't care.

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i personally think ice pipes should be banned, but putting bongs in the same boat is utter bullshit and will only force people to order their smoking utensils online :peace:


Why exactly???


Think about this for a moment... do you honestly think there is a single kid who will not try meth for the first time or will stop using it simply because they can not go to a shop to buy a glass pipe???


even one, who will say.. "oh shit I'll never try this drug because the government has banned the sale of pipes that must mean it's dangerous??"


do you really believe there's a single kid who will pass on holding a lighter under a piece of alfoil and sucking smoke through a straw that would have taken a glass pipe had it been available??


no... me either..


This law will have exactly ZERO impact on the use or uptake of this (or any other) drug, by kids or adults and Uncle Petey knows it.


so what was the point exactly?? the Govt pedalling the illusion that it's being "HARD ON DRUGS!"


Expect every state to follow within months.. and then expect Chris Pyne (he seems to be the current mouthpeice) to be crowing about how it started as a Fed Govt initiative from the national ice summit.


Now personally I'm with Luke once someone reaches adulthood, they should be allowed to do what they like to/with themselves as long as it doesn't harm anyone else, but we should be protecting kids from themselves as far as drugs are concerned.


Thing is... try asking most 13 or 14 year olds about meth.. they already know how dangerous it can be and the simple fact is the kids who are going to try it still will, with or without a glass fucking pipe, until the government bothers to find out why kids are looking for that kind of escape at such a young age the problem will only escalate.

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