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Cannabis may help fight obesity .

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Cannabis drug may help fight obesity By Amie Ferris-Rotman

Tue Jan 30, 11:11 AM ET




LONDON (Reuters) - Human trials of an experimental treatment for obesity derived from cannabis, which is commonly associated with stimulating hunger, are scheduled to begin in the second half of this year, Britain's GW Pharmaceuticals Plc announced Tuesday.


Several other companies, such as Sanofi-Aventis, which is investigating Acomplia, are working on new drugs that will switch off the brain circuits that make people hungry when they smoke cannabis.


GW Pharma, however, says it has derived a treatment from cannabis that could help suppress hunger. "The cannabis plant has 70 different cannabinoids in it and each has a different affect on the body," GW Managing Director Justin Gover told Reuters in a telephone interview.


"Some can stimulate your appetite, and some in the same plant can suppress your appetite. It is amazing both scientifically and commercially," he said.


Drugs have to pass three stages of tests in humans before being eligible for approval by regulators in a process that takes many years.


Sanofi-Aventis' Acomplia, which it believes can achieve $3 billion in annual sales, is already on sale in Europe and it is waiting for a U.S. regulatory decision in April.


Several other big drug companies also already have similar products to Acomplia in clinical trials.


GW is best known for developing Sativex, a treatment derived from cannabis that fights spasticity in multiple sclerosis patients. Sativex, an under-the-tongue spray, has been approved in Canada, but has hit delays with regulators in Britain.


GW submitted Sativex for assessment by several European regulators in September, and hopes to secure approval for the UK, Denmark, Spain and the Netherlands in the second half of this year at the earliest, the company said on Tuesday.


GW's marijuana plants are grown indoors in a secret location in Southern England.



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Cannabis drug may help fight obesity By Amie Ferris-Rotman

Tue Jan 30, 11:11 AM ET


It is amazing both scientifically and commercially," he said.


Yep so amazing its illegal ... but that doesnt stop Pharmacutical drug dealers from isolating the active compounds and patenting them as thier own property :punk:


guess it is hailed as a break thru for all the fat bastards :thumbdown:



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i was going to basically say what spook did until i read that they found a cannabinoid that supresses hunger :punk:


imo its such bullshit that drug companies can find those cannabiniods and patent them :punk: i honestly think that patents should only be issued to people who have created something totally new to this planet. ie. a jetpack that runs on burps or something crazy like that, not just finding a cannabinoid and claiming it as your own :helpsmilie: but now that i think about it, getting a patent for a cannabinoid isnt so bad, if you want to know about patents that shouldnt have been issued you should look at the scientists who did the human genome project...how they got patents for human genes dumbfounds me considering they exist in every single one of us :thumbdown:

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i was going to basically say what spook did until i read that they found a cannabinoid that supresses hunger lol


imo its such bullshit that drug companies can find those cannabiniods and patent them lol i honestly think that patents should only be issued to people who have created something totally new to this planet. ie. a jetpack that runs on burps or something crazy like that, not just finding a cannabinoid and claiming it as your own B) but now that i think about it, getting a patent for a cannabinoid isnt so bad, if you want to know about patents that shouldnt have been issued you should look at the scientists who did the human genome project...how they got patents for human genes dumbfounds me considering they exist in every single one of us :(


And they have the nerve to say we are on drugs hahahahaha, god this world is really fkd up. How the hell can they make it legal to patent a living organism?? Or the worst thing, seed banks making seeds that produce plants that dont give seeds so you must buy them from that same son of a bitch of a seed bank. Things have got to change guys. Also re: cannabis and loosing weight:

I have scoliosis {curvature of the spine} which has been medically corrected {two metal rods fuse my spine together and stop me from ever bending over}. Now for me weight is very important as my back is nowhere near as strong as someone without my condition. I used to smoke and was allways average to slim then i gave up for 6 years or so and gained 50% extra body weight. Now i have started smoking again i have lost 20kgs in 2 mths!!! where i was on prescribed duromine and after a while it stopped working on me and the only thing it did was fkd up my life a bit and had some wonderfull side effects including violent moods etc.... now i have no side effects plus its a pain killer for my back. I think everyone is different and there are a variety of reasons people are overweight therefore there are a variety of solutions, for me hemp works. :(



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