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Christians For Cannabis...

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:P It's good to see such a large group on our planet is somehow supporting cannabis.


this is the text from their "old" page:


ChristiansForCannabis believe that the laws that prohibit the possession, use and cultivation of marijuana/cannabis are immoral and unjust and the Christian support of these laws to be in violation of God's word. We base our position on: the inerrancy of the Bible; God's creatorship of the earth and all that is in it, including the seed bearing plant we call cannabis or marijuana; Jesus's commands to not judge anything before the appointed time and to love as he loved; and how love does no harm to its neighbor.


Our mission is to educate the Christian community concerning the scriptural invalidity of the war on drugs, provide reliable resources of information for them to explore the issue and learn the facts, encourage Christian cannabis users to become more active in the work of repealing the laws, and to provide encouragement, support and prayer for the subculture as a whole and those that work on its behalf.

Edited by tboat
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I've been a member of Christians for Cannabis for a couple years now. I don't know what their stance on coke, eccy, or whatever is, but I would imagine it's the same as their stance on pot. That is, that it's all a matter of concience for the individual.


That morals can't be legislated, nor enforced, and still be called democratic.


I haven't read this on their charter anywhere or anything. It's just personally how I feel about it, and being Christian, and having been reading their stuff for a whiles now, I feel it is probably as safe an explaination as any.






PS. I use lashings of opiates daily for pain. I guess this falls into the opium part of your question. Sure I use it prescribed for pain, but I would be lieing through my teeth if I said I didn't enjoy it, or abuse it.

Edited by RobbieGanjaSeed
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I would be curious on the if this would be along the line of bearing false witness.


Law and gospel.


(Romans 6.14) For sin shall not have domination over you, for you are not under law but under grace.


To be 'under law' in one sence excludes the person from the enjoyment of the grace which the gospel imparts to be 'under law' is the opposite of being 'under grace' and means the person is a bondslave of the condemnation and the power of sin. In this sence, therefore, it is by the gospel that we are discharged from the law .


The relavance of the old testament is in my opinion somewhat dubious, the laws/guidlines (depending on how you interprit the texts) are irrelavent to anything to do with todays time, other than a reference.


If it was relavent I would certainly be put to death and spiritually cut of for not obeying the sabbath and a number of other things that I shall refrain from mention.


unfortunatly Im unable to find the particular verse Im hunting for(maybe someone else knows it, but certainly I suspect it will be reconized) .something about following the laws of man until it directly goes against Gods laws.


I enjoy a smoke but Im suspicous that the cause you represent is not worthy of Gods name. The reputation of Christs people should not be sullied with the reputation that goes with drugs .


I stumble blindly at times and would appeciate hearing more on your cause.



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We all stumble blindly from time to time, and that's what the brother hood of Christ is for, to build one another up, to love and good works.


All what you wrote seems to be right on the cracker from the way I understand things, except the obeying man's rules, untill it contraveins God's laws. This I think is more of an assumption than a commandment. And if a commanment, then a law, then away from grace and out of the covenant. See where worrying about laws gets ya? All bound up and confused.


Perhaps you might be thinking of when Peter had just reached out to a crippled beggar saying "silver nor gold do I have, but what I have comes to you through the Spirit of Jesus Christ" Upon touching him, he was healed, and the jewish temple leaders told them to not preach about Christ in their temple. Peter replied what shall we do? obey God's command (go therefore and make deciples, teaching all that I have taught you), or that of man's? The question was rhetorical, and simply put to establish their right to preach from God.


All there is is the law of love. If we endevour to love, and do good works, then it doesn't matter what we do, it will be all good. As Paul said, when making a short list of what the Holy Spirit inspires. He said we would be inspired to have partience, love, long suffering, mildness, self control, .....here is the cruncher as Paul puts it "for against these things there is no law.


So Paul is saying if we live under the Grace of God, and in that case, communing with God through His Spirit in the name of Jesus, we will be maturing all the time towards becoming a person who is patient, mild, loving, helpfull. This is the new covenant, this is relationship with God without laws, this is what there is no law against.


But in these days, man kind has gone beyond laws that involve simply taxing our grain, doing national service, or whatever. The governments have gone so far as to actually legislate our morals (smoking pot etc), and this is what is causing the conflict.


Perhaps a person that is following the Spirit perfectly would give up the smoke, for the conflict it causes. I personally believe the law must be changed so that out morals aren't legislated. God hasn't done so, so why should Ronald Regan?





As an after thought...if one where to want to live life in peace in this present age, with laws governing our morals from the government. Then by self control, we could for-go the right to smoke pot, for the greater peace of the Spirit, as Paul said "for agaist these things there is no law", so if there is a man's law being broken, then it would seem that there is a lack of fullfillment of Paul's teaching here. But then it is a common observation that if anyone wants peace, then they need to obey the law, so it's not a God given law here, just plain simple common sense.


But the abstinence of smoking pot in and of itself would make one no closer to God, nor any further from him. but simply to bring peace in one's life by removing the fear of prosecution.



Which after all, is what Jesus was saying to Peter in the Garden of Gethsemane, the night they came to arrest Jesus. Peter, in the confusion of the arrest cut off a gaurd's ear. Jesus picked up the ear and replaced it to the gaurd's face without damage.


Jesus said to peter "put away the sword, for all who live by the sword, shall die by the sword". I don't think Jesus was giving some deep teaching about swords and the punishment for using them. but simply that a person that lives violently, will have a violent death. Mostly, new covenant teaching is common sense stuff. Some however is deeper than u or I can imagine.


And on that point, was Peter that accurate a swordsman that in the dark of the night, he was able to wake up from sleeping and take a swing and cut off a gaurd's ear?


I doubt it. I'd say that Peter was aiming for the gaurd's neck, and the gaurd dodged it, and Peter caught his ear.


Just makes me feel as though the appostles were no greater or hollier than I. That we are all plain ordinary people




Edited by RobbieGanjaSeed
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I can easy imagine Jezus and Buddha sittin on a stone, somewhere on a waterfront, shairing a joint, looking into the horizon at the end of the sea,..then Buddha says;"Kindness towards all things is the true religion."


..after some time,..as Buddha's words fade away in the silence that surrounds them, Jezus says; you're so right bro... :P


I can easy imagine that.

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