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Cops find impersonators, cannabis at party

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POLICE investigating a noise complaint at a fancy dress party south-west of Brisbane have arrested two men allegedly impersonating police, as well as discovering more than 30 cannabis plants.

Police said today they were called to a rowdy fancy dress party with about 150 people at a Greenbank property to investigate a noise complaint just after midnight (AEST).


While investigating, police found a car wanted in relation to allegations its occupants had posed as police officers and intercepted vehicles in the area, a police spokeswoman said.


"A search of the car located a blue shirt with replica badges and rank insignia as well as a blue light believed to have been used in the interceptions,'' the spokeswoman said.


Police then located the two men alleged to have impersonated police and were putting them into a police vehicle, when they were surrounded by party-goers who let the men escape.


Both men ran into bushland and were pursued on foot by police, who then located the cannabis crop with over 30 plants ranging from immature to three metres in height.


The men later returned and surrendered to police.


The pair, aged 20 and 21, are due in the Beenleigh Magistrates Court charged with one count each of impersonate a police officer, two counts each of deprivation of liberty and two counts of obstructing police.


The 20-year-old will front court tomorrow and the 21-year-old will appear on February 20.


Regional Duty Officer Inspector Paul Ziebarth warned people of the dangers of impersonating police.


"People contemplating playing pranks such as this should reconsider - I don't think they realise the fact that they could face serious criminal charges,'' he said.


A 58-year-old man has also been charged with production of a dangerous drug, possession of a dangerous drug and possession of a dangerous utensil.


He'll face the same court on February 15.


Ohhh damm what bad LUCK!!

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Yeah, it's all dangerous up here in the police state. TBH, it's got me fkd how MJ is labelled a "dangerous drug", it's like a plant ffs. If a plant can be labelled a drug, we're all up shits creek. It's funny how doors don't get kicked in when people have datura, olleander... shit even carrots or ruhbarb growing in their vege patch. If they class MJ as a dangerous drug, i do believe they better target any other nasties that maybe growing in our gardens.


If they're gunna take the task on, do it properly. Not these half hearted, piss poor attempts at targettin' one plant (or is that drug) species in particular. :doh:



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not bright running from coppers leading them to a bigger problem for themselves or someone else.



I worked with a guy that used to pull people over in the early days of unmarked cars VN commonwhores. would ask for a on the spot fine or just have a laugh and let um go.


Back when every car with persuit rims was a cop.

Edited by thc24
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Lmfao , what dum shits :toke:

Run to the fields .. :)


And like the rest of the responses , "dangerous utensil"? :peace: ... shotgun!


Yep , they can charge ya for the substance , the apparatus , and your intoxication .. they usually do if they can from the reports I've heard :thumbdown: Revenue ..


Still , those dudes sound like morons so what to say ...

I hope they don't cop it too hard.


But clearly (allegedly) they are idiots .. so hopefully its an important learning experience for them ..


Stay sensible ;)


Budman :doh:

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i recon the cops walked in and there were 2 dudes dressed as cops for the fancy dress party so they decided they were having a quiet night so arrested them for impersonating cops :thumbdown:


and from what i read i dont think it was there grow i think they just ran into the bush and stumbled onto someone elses grow and i bet the dude growing it would have been pissed as :doh:


cheerz :Dj:

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