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Does anyone know anything about Quantumponics?

I was browsing through ebay and came across this Quantumponics Emitter in Tank to go into an existing Hydroponics system.







They make some pretty big claims about increase in plant size, growth rates, yeild, shelf life, resistance to pest, disease and harsh environmental conditions.


If this is true then it may be a good investment.





Edited by trumpet
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I find my self sceptical in the extreme, their proof is three unsigned testimonials and a comment by some South African private company, probably the one that manufactures it.


If they were as good as they claim all the hydro shops would be selling them.



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It is fairly easy to build a good profile on ebay. The place has plenty of people who have built up their profile by positive words from their mates. I have seen all sorts of suspect Les Paul's there. Wanna buy a 65 Les Paul played by Jimi Hendrix for US$10 000? DAont be put off by the fact that they didn't make LP's between 61 - 75.
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