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'Give me your bike, I'm a police officer'

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well personally, when the fucking pizza man gets to your house before the cunt that's suppose to be dusting for prints, you sorta start to ponder what fucking good they are.


when you're driving like a maniac, swerving all over the road, beeping, bleeding from several cuts, tryna stop a paddywagon for some help and end up driving yourself to the hospital...yeah, you start to think what fucking good these cunts are.


i don't have anything wrong with the police in general, im sure they want to do good. But if im ever in a situation again, i tell you what, i'd probably call the ambos and let the cops finish booking some poor cunt with only 1 P plate on.


im pretty sure if we stood up for all the right reasons, even some of the police wold be on our side.



p.s for the record, i think we'd all be able to judge whether or not this 50 year old was askin for a beatin.


everybody knows that line, and everybody should know what happens if they don't respect it.

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Hi guys,

I hate H and i dont care who knows it, i dont accept people who do it and i sure as hell dont give 2 fks about their dealers. Long story short, twice i have been in the presence of a multi-million dollar H deal going down. How you might ask, just call me observant because that is littereally what i am. Anyways i called the pigs while sitting accross the road from this deal going down in my car. After 15 min, one of the dealers approached my car to see if i wanted a hit, to which i replied for the mother fucker to go fuck himself.... i dont scare easy and sure as hell i dont scare when some skinny h addict approaches me unless he has a needle haha. Anyways sat there for 10min longer while making a repeat call, yet no pigs. So i just went on my merry way.......... funny thing is that the pig pen is a 2min walk away!!!!! i guess there was more important stuff like busting a little old lady doing 2km/h over the limit. This sort of thing i have witnessed a few times with the same result of silence from the police after i call them. I was talking to a mate with friends in the right places and he told me im a fking idiot as all this is run by pigs!!!!!! and if i continue calling this in, i must really not like my life.

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bahahha bmwdude thats the biggest load of shit ive ever read, sorry bro but it is.


a ) nobody thats anybody is going to admit to witnessing 'multiple million dollar smack deals" on the net or otherwise

b ) street level dealers dont handle that kind of weight and deals dont go down in the open

c ) hes just made millions of dollars selling skag, or the guy who has just bought it, is going to crack open a kilo to offer you a one microgram hit? bhahah oh shit.


And lastly if you were stupid enough to be watching something like that going down, and you were spotted, you'd be offered half a magazine of a Glock pistol, not a hit of smack.


Not tryna shit on you bro, just watch even what you say on the net :scratchin: theres no need 2 try impress us brother

Edited by 200sx
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cheers thc :peace:


yeah i agree, and i think part of the problem lies with the fact that a few bad grapes ruin the bunch. Because when you think about it, the only time you are going to interact with the good grapes of the police force is when you need to call for assistance (might never happen in your whole life) or when a cop lets you off a traffic offence (ive been booked twice and let off twice, so im still undecided :scratchin:). Then look at the bad few, who are constantly going out of their way to harass and pursue what are ultimatly decent people, and you are bound to have more cases of bad interation with the police than good.


The problem is in the quality control for recruitment, but due to the fact they are 'short' of officers, i dont see the recruitment policies/training will be ammended any time soon

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Re what 200sx said:

I am not some frikin hero or trying to make myself out to be one ok?

The reason behind me hating H and the whole H scene so much is because my x gf was an addict and i know what it does to someone. I basically didnt give a shit about my own life at that stage because i had to part ways with her as i couldnt handle seeing it anymore. Also the morons doing the deals seemed to be scattered themselves thus most likely were doing it in those locations as they themselves were fkd. Also most people dont see what i see as i know what to look for as for over 2 years i had d H addicted x and i too had to score for her!!!.

See unlike you, some of us dont give a flying fuck about what others think and reasons for doing things might have some depth in them!!!

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Speaking of pigs, you wouldnt guess who i scored the best hash off!!! and i smoked it with him too...........it was a pig!!! and high up!!! corrupt as they come, but met him at a friends apartment and was told to shut up before he got there................... freaky shit huh........... tokin with a pig


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the fat fuck probably busted some innocent bystander and come up with that block of hash you were smoking... that makes you a criminal for receiving stolen goods...:scratchin:


all in all I think our society couldn't do with out the police... its just the nazi tactics many of these police officers use on people for minor offenses.. such as smoking a l;ittle pot.. while.. like you mentioned.. dont really give 2 shits about multimillion$$ H deals...


the facts are.. take Sydney for instance... in the same town you can be dragged off the train because your clothes smell like pot.. and be stripped searched.. then walk straight in to a safe injecting room and get off ya face on smack...


mm theory??? the government imports tonnes of smack to distribute around the cities to fund covert operations overseas... so its highly likely the deal you seen going down.. was a government op.. thats why NO pigs showed up... and thats why it was done out in the open maybe??

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mmm not really sure pman.. but when you consider the fact that they would kick your door down to find your 2 plant set up.. and trash your house while they do so.. ..


buy you can safely inject heroine with no hassles from police at all...


just makes you wonder where our morals lie?? doesnt it??


not saying I disagree about the safe injecting rooms.. but youve goto admit that MJ has got to be a shit load safer than smack?? doesnt it??


Im not saying that they DO this in Australia.. but when you consider they do it in the US and the UK.. youd have think that they would probably do it here too... who knows... how would you know they do.. then how would you know they dont??

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