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'Give me your bike, I'm a police officer'

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IT was hardly glamorous but it did the job.


A Sydney police officer commandeered a bicycle to chase a teenager who fled while he was being questioned yesterday in suburban Redfern.


Officers began chasing the youth when he ran off at 9.45pm yesterday but lost him.


But when he was spotted again a few minutes later, a detective sergeant was not going to lose his man again.


He stopped a passing cyclist and commandeered his bike to chase the youth.


Shortly afterwards, with a disclocated shoulder the result of an arrest struggle, the police officer had his suspect.


The youth has been charged with stealing, assaulting and resisting police and trespassing.


He will appear in Central Local Court today. The officer is recovering in hospital.

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I would give them my bike (and it's worth $1800), you're going to get it back anyway, or a new one if it's damaged. I suppose police are only good when they are catching criminals that have just broken into your house or busting heroin addicts leaving needles in your childs school playground or getting that group of three youths who have just bashed your grand mother to near death.
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my pushy is worth around $3700 so the fat cunt can either pay me cash on the spot or fucking run...


Ive NEVER been helped by police.. people break into your house and youve got a grow room.. expect those cunts to take your statement about the break in.. then bust your ass...


Ive got absolutely NO respect for police at all.. maybe one day if those fat fucks should respect me and what I decide to smoke.. then.. maybe.. and thats a fat maybe.. I might respect them back...


all coppers are cunts.. whats the colour of a 2 cent peice... dirty copper

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Ive got absolutely NO respect for police at all.. maybe one day if those fat fucks should respect me and what I decide to smoke.. then.. maybe.. and thats a fat maybe.. I might respect them back...


Well said, why would any one respect these legal thugs and if you really think they make an effort to keep the community safe, then you need to stop smoking so much :peace:


If you gave a jack a choise to either go bust some violent criminal who has just beat his wife senseless or go invade some poor ganja heads house and intimidate his family, then you know that the scared little piggys are going straight to the bong head because where an easy target.


I used to always say to everyone give them (coppers) a break there just doing there job but when your house gets invaded by them in the same manner as gang members invaded my friends house you start to change your opinion the only differnce is the police take your plants and then charge you as well :toke:

Edited by jabez
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The above reminds me of the Saddam thing. One man and an army and millions more people than Saddams regime. Why was he never removed earlier if so many hated him?


I know there are a lot more people than police, infact in something I read just recently there was something like 2.2 police officers per 1000 people in Sydney and not much different for other states here. New York I think was a high 4 or even 5 police per 1000.


Anyway, I wonder how many out of this 1000 actually want the police gone?


For the people who say screw the police, I hope you never have to call them for two reasons. One being of course that I hope nothing bad happens to you and secondly I hope you remember this thread if some guy shoots you in the leg and you don't bother reporting it.


Fair enough, I know the police do f all until it comes to revenue raising or busting small time pot growers, I realise this, my parents business being broken into twice and many other things, but I can imagine there wouldn't be too many here that haven't called the police to help themselves in their life time.


What do you do when a 50 year old man is trying to give your 5 year old child a piece of candy? Do you take it into your own hands and bash the guy sensless and go to jail yourself or do you call the police to monitor him and let him be the one spending time in jail and now no longer trying to do such pedophelia things? Yes, it would be fun to see this person get what he may well deserve but you are only going to be the one who gets punished after such action has been taken.


Sorry, I am not a cop and I am not a cop fan, I just think a lot of people who have mentioned what they have mentioned have double standards.

Edited by Iceage
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