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Its ALCOHOL not MJ thats the problem ,you bastards !

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i always spew when i drink alcohol :scratchin: there is the odd exception to the rule, but every time i drink booze i get major bong cravings and cant help but to down a few cones....only problem with that is that my mind can handle drugs alot better than my body can so i'll sit there and smoke a cone after every sip of alcohol not relizing that 30 mins ago i passed my safe limit ;) i feel the effects ever so slightly when drinking, cones kick it in a bit, but its not until i get up and move around that i find out i have lost 50% of my walking ability and then have to stumble to the toilet lol


i personally think that if the government wants alcohol to remain legal, all drugs should be legal including herion, crack, etc. i know that having legal access to those drugs would make australia look bad in the world's eyes, but they are not really that much worse than alcohol in general and if the government were to regulate and distribute the drugs, they would have total quality controll, be able to set any price they wish, it would free up the police and the excessive amounts of money that would be generated could be put into education programs to prevent drug use ;) but is all that worth looking bad to the rest of the world? sadly, most people dont think so :peace:

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G'day Jess and everyone ,


Jess , was wondering if you caught the latest National Press club address on the ABC? ..

I caught the rerun thismorn at 3am or somethin so my mind was a little foggy .. but they were discussing this similar issue ..

Some of the comments were quite positive in pointing out how much more dangerous a drug alcohol is than Marijuana .. and even Heroin among other things ..


Makes you wonder how can the powers that be , can be so ignorant and hypocritical on the drug issue when they actually recognise the facts .. i.e. that Cannabis is comparativly harmless when compared to alcohol or tobacco etc ;)


I wrote down a name of one of the speakers I was gonna google today , but It's written rather unintelligably .. Something like David Carble?? ring any bells?


Unfortunatly the ABC doesn't seem to provide transcripts :ack: I would have like to have re-read the discussion ..


Anyhoo ... They are considering raising the prices of Booze (asif It's not expensive enough already) .. to supposedly make it more difficult for younger peepz to access ..

They've already whacked yet another tax on Beer and Cigs this week ..

I wonder whether this would really be effective in curbing the rampant alcohol abuse so Common in Australian culture .. or whether it's just another government revenue raking idea :scratchin:


But they are also saying that even tho there has been a rise in amphetamine use , the use of other illicit drugs has been dropping for the last 8 years .. ???

I have great trouble beleiving this .. and think It's just a false statement to try and make people beleive the "war on Drugs" is actually working ..


And one other thing , It really pisses me off how they say "Drugs and Alcohol" like they are 2 seperate things .. friggin drongos :doh:

They'd rather you drink the holy brew than the devils weed tho wouldn't they ... now , lets all get drunk and have a fist fight :peace:


Ramble ... Over. ;)


Budman ;)


(P.s. lol , sorry to hear that Wdc , It took me quite a few years to be able to realize what was "one too many" before I'd had the one too many ; ) nowdays I know what will push me over the limit and thats the point at which I generally retire .. So It's a rare occurence for me to be driving the porcelain truck anymore B) heheh , cheerz.)


(P.s.s Shit! , I'm outta booze : ( )

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Hey Budman, That speaker your talking about is probably David Castle. If you interested there is a post under Marijuana news called Marijuana: the myths and misconceptions. Not sure how to provide a link sorry. There was also a progam available from abc (radio national) as an mp3 file. Big discussion on mj, good stuff imo.
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No I didn't catch it Budman but they play these things a couple of times ,sometimes also maybe ABC2 might have it I'll have a scan of the TV guide prob. the ABC site and directly search for the Press club address. Thanks for the headsup. lol

ps I must have smoked to many bongos as I'm tripping out and seeing weird colours and

other weird shit ;) its freaking me out :peace: :scratchin:

Edited by Jess Stone
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Hmmm Alcohol is evil.....


When I drink I get really mean... After one or two drinks I can be very fun.. giggling etc... give me half a dozen or more and someone only has to look at me the wrong way and that's it :P.. she's on B)

Needless to say I don't often drink anymore.. one at xmas, new years, mates birthdays etc and I'm good.

Oh plus no matter how much I drink (even just one) I am gonna be so crook the next day it's just not worth it. I can't move til lunchtime cos one drink the night before is enough to have me with my head in the bowl for half a day :P

On the other hand I smoke every day... Strangely when I smoke I'm not mean. Actually I'm a cunt when I don't smoke... hehee It helps me sleep, eat and be nice... And I've only ever chucked 2 whities in my life!

Oh and noone's mentioned caffeine.. I know as many people who are screwing their bodies up with coffee and/or coke as are with other illegal drugs or alcohol... The ten cups of coffee I have every day are probably doing me more damage than the 10-20 cones....

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Watch the Iemma Vs Debnam NSW election debate and watch them dodge the issue of alcohol and alcohol related violence it very telling they change the topic (both of them ) and in essence ignore the moderators attempts to get them to address alcohol.Unfortunately its a long way into the debate so its a bit of a bore to get to the good bit. :thumbdown: :thumbdown: Edited by Jess Stone
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I gave up MJ on the wishes of my wife, but previous to that it reduced my arthritic pain, it leveled my moods and made me happy...

After giving it up, i transfered my addiction to Alcohol... now im abusive, threaten ppl, make stupid statements and ridicule my wife for the smallest thing(im ashamed as i never did it b4)....

I was a normal person before alcohol, but obviously i cannot handle it or its just bad news generally!

Im growing my own now so im giving up the drink and getting back to who i am really!


Peace... :toke:

Edited by Cannabis
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Booze a big killer of teens


ALCOHOL alone is to blame for more than a quarter of all deaths among young people in the developed world, and Australia’s statistics are among the worst. (WTF ! and this shit's legal...Jess)


An Australian study published in prominent international medical journal The Lancet has found that liquor caused 27 per cent of deaths involving 15 to 29-year-olds in 2002.


The review of death figures in economically developed nations also found that illicit drugs claimed 4 per cent of young lives.


Psychology professor John Toumbourou, who led the Deakin University study, said governments, especially those in Australia, needed to get serious about teenage drinking.


“The problem of alcohol abuse among young people in Australia is one of the most extreme, relative to comparable developed countries,” Professor Toumbourou said.


He said Australian policies promoted the problem.


“The Lancet study is a systematic literature review and clearly shows that where alcohol is cheap and readily accessible young people will experience more problems,” Professor Toumbourou said.


“In Australia, there is a lot of resistance to increasing the taxes on alcohol or to restricting alcohol’s availability.”


He said this was despite proof that these were the best methods of limiting its appeal to young people.


Professor Toumbourou led an international group of experts to review approaches and strategies that prevent substance abuse in young people.


The team found that death, injury and illness caused by substance use are among the top 10 contributors to the global disease burden.


“What was once seen by many in developing countries as the disease of industrialised nations is now a worldwide trend,” Professor Toumbourou said.


Rates of tobacco use, harmful alcohol use and illicit drug use could be significantly reduced with a combination of regulatory, early intervention and a range of harm-reduction approaches, they wrote.


Article The Border Mail :thumbsup:

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Yes Alcohol is the problem, having left an abusive (verbally and emotionally only, thankfully) marriage after 18 years and finding a wonderful partner who also left an alcoholic (after three years) we both agree that it is totally ludicrous that 'westernised', 'democratised' governments allow a toxin like alcohol to be legal, same for tobacco, it's legal too and kills, but so too are shampoos (with known carcinogens in them check out this site HERE), moisturisers, conditioners, deoderants, perfumes, gels, cleaning products, soaps, soap powder . . . and none of them need contain petro-chemicals and derivations that are poisonous to humans, and plants and the water and the earth and the air we breathe . . . get rid of the chemicals and bring back HEMP!! :doh:


Preaching to the converted I know, okay, off my soapbox now . . . :thumbsup: :toke: :toke: B) ;) lol B) :doh: B)


NB: Statistics of all sorts are made to be 'skewed' one way or the other, 'tis the nature of the beast, however, one stat that cannot be fudged is that NOT ONE BAR STEWARD has ever DIED from MJ OD . . . NEVER . . . go figure . . .

Edited by Dragonfan
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