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"Skunk Contamination"

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Doesn't that brix shit do the same thing as these people are complaining about?





A wet cure solution that aids the removal of chlorophyll, increases net weight, density and structure and natural aromas. This product is totally natural and is guaranteed to maximise your yield.


100% Totally Organic Product


Naturally derived active ingredients:

Amino acids, Carbohydartes, Vitamins,triacontinol, Enzymes & Proven biological yield enhancers.


Foliar Spray:

Pre harvest, just prior to lights switching off. Spray the complete plant until runoff within 7 to 10 days prior to harvest date.


Wet Cure Application:

Removes chlorophyll, increases net weight, density, structure and natural aromas. Gently agitate approx. 2000g of freshly prepared organic matter with 1 litre of BRIX-Plus formula. Saturate for between 10 - 15 min. Separate and dry cure as normal.


- Adds Weight

- Improves Colour

- Improves Taste

- Improves Yield

- Increases Maturation


I've read this stuff referred to as 'fake trichomes' before, sounds like what these ppl are smoking :twitchsmile:



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well a table spoon of beach sand would probably weigh an ounce...


this is just one of the many reasons to start growing your own...


just think you got a pound thats a few grams under weight .. and you need to get rid of it.. but the guy aint buying it.. a few grains of sand to bring the weight up.. no one would even know.. and by the time they find out.. you ve got your cash and that pound is gone...


a scummy thing to do ... but really ive seen worse...

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yeah nasty shit, ive heard of people rolling their outdoor in brown sugar and then selling it as indoor, but if it is silica thats just screwed up, through water it wouldn't be so bad but silica is thought to cause cancer, a mate got a job at a silica plant and they gave him this info pack about the dangers of silica and the damage it will do to your respiratory system and that although it is not known it is thought to cause cancer and when they worked there they had to where masks so not to inhale the stuff, so thats just buggered.
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