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LEAP jumps around the world...

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Here is bright spot to cheer us up a bit!


Law Enforcement Against Prohibition speakers are making 'head' way... :twitchsmile: Hello Allison. Met a friend of yours today. Hints: saw her vid on U Tube- & "When the rain falls the cookies all get baked" and so do some people!


OK OK :sly: here's the news!







Hempy New Year every one!!



Edited by medMUser
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Yesterday a federal Senator from Australia visited the LEAP office in Massachusetts to request that we return to his country and help him and his colleagues continue the struggle against prohibition.




I for one would like to know the name of this courageous Senator, so I can voice my support in writing.



If you want to be involved creating positive change around the entire world, click on http://leap.cc/NewMember/ and join us now. Membership is open to anyone. The more members we get the sooner we will end this self-perpetuating and ever-expanding disastrous policy of a war on drugs.




I signed up, and would like to encourage others to do the same, if you haven't already. It is a quick form, only requiring name , town, state and country.

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