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Man caught with cannabis plant in court

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A man caught bringing a cannabis plant into a Brisbane court says he will fight drug charges as part of his long-running campaign to have marijuana legalised. Peter Till, 39, of Nimbin in northern NSW, appeared in the Brisbane Magistrates Court charged with possessing a dangerous drug.


Security officers said they seized the 50cm-tall cannabis plant at a screening machine in the Brisbane Magistrates Court's entry foyer on Monday. Mr Till said the plant was "evidence" for a court appearance.


After the plant was seized, he still faced court on drug charges stemming from his arrest in October last year for smoking a cannabis cigarette in the city's Queen Street Mall. Despite pleading not guilty, the magistrate found otherwise and fined him $600.


Police then took him into custody before he appeared in court on Tuesday. He was bailed and is due to face court again on April 10.


Outside court, Till said he had been fined at least 15 times over drug-related offences in Queensland and NSW courts during the past few years. However, he prided himself on not paying one fine, saying the authorities should legalise cannabis for a raft of reasons, mainly medicinal.


He denied he was asking for trouble bringing the plant into the court. "I don't give a rats, I believe in it, I know it helps me, right?


"And I can tell you now I believe in it so much if I have to go to jail for it then so be it, I go to jail for it. "... I know it works I have a quality of life and they're trying to take my quality of life away from me, right?"



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Seen it on the news. :rolleyes:


Good on him, and i reckon his fighting the good fight the right way as well. Im never gunna pay another MJ related fine again. The bugga's know my scenario and if they really think their doing the right thing by society by making an ass of 'emselves by tryin' to bust my arse for it, go right ahead i say. I'll go thru their processes of tryin' to rehabilitate me, and if that means doin' time in the pen, so be it. I'm tired of being viewed as criminal for doing no one any harm, bar myself (infact, i'm doing less harm to myself than a mild alcoholic). Also, considering it's about the only law i break nowadays.


But yeah, thumbs up to him. Just it might help a bit if he lost the feral look and at least wore some shoes court. Barefoot, dreadlocks, t-shirt and sarong is not a good look... :whistle:



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Senator Amanda Vandstone (speaking about euthnasia, but the point is still the point) said "To oppose a law, to break it and take the consequences, is an honerable course of action. To break the law and seek to hide your actions - to avoid the consequences, is both criminal and shameful." This quote is the basis of my defence for when I get caught. (I plan on getting caught so I won't be dissapointed if I do). I have already wrote a letter to my local newspaper about the social dangers of drug prohibition and I am proud that they printed it. If/when I go to court I can say that I have been proactive about legalisation, and I have not hidden my usage/thoughts. I have also been to my doctor a few years ago about some medical conditions and it is written on my medical record that I use cannabis medicinally. When I go to court I will tell the judge that I will never stop using cannabis and if I get sent to prison then so be it, it will only give me more reason to fight the good fight. Liberal Peter Costello said to tell the truth and you won't get into trouble. I have three children and do not want to go to jail, but I have thought about the consequences and willing to make the sacrifice.

I believe we should all start planning our defence now. Don't leave it untill it is too late, and also so we don't make stupid comments to reporters, should we be lucky enough to get our voices heared.


"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing."



I say good on this fella for saying what he believes.

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we need someone who speaks simply...someone who uses words to get his point across, not to confuse and manipulate.


With three hundred thousand daily cannabis users in Australia alone, we all have the responsibility to speak up and tell the truth. Sitting back and waiting for one outspoken person is not helping the cause, we all need to do our bit.

I encourage everyone to write letters to newspapers, polititians and anyone else who will listen. Talk to people you know and get their opinions about cannabis. Out of all the people I have talked to about cannabis, there are only a handful of people that actually oppose cannabis legalisation.


How many people go to court and lie to the judge and say that they have stopped using cannabis, and do not intend using it again. I have read about people saying they fell into the wrong crowd and no longer associate with those people. I have read about medicinal users saying that they no longer use cannabis and have moved onto other herbal medicines, to relieve their symptoms. Other people say they were just experimenting and won't do it again. The lawyers tell people to tell the judge these things to get a lighter sentence. It is just not right. If we believe in the right to use cannabis then we should stick up for our rights and admit it and be proud of it.

Cannabis has been used for thousands of years, and has only been prohibited in the last 70 odd years.


Prohibition is in it's infancy, and if we fight the good fight then we can eliminate this cruel injustice, for the benifit of society.


It is up to every user to speak their convictions and let their voices be heared, or they are as hypocritical as the Government who preaches all the lies and propaganda. They may have more money than us but we have truth and logic on our side.

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Marc Scott Emery

The Prince of Pot


Re: nimbin man takes plant to court


"I am looking for a photograph of Peter Till. Please let me know if you see one."


I was at Cannabis Culture Forums (Canada) and noted that His Serene Highness, the Prince of Pot, Mark Emery, is trying to find a photo of Mr Till (presumably for some sort of story - in Cannabis Culture Magazine?), can anyone help?

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