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NEW - LEAP Video on youtube

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Hi Guys... long time no talk... lol


Gary and I (with the good help from some people at LEAP) have been

busy making the following Video for you to find some really important

information in. It's about ten minutes long... :thumbsup:



If you're interested please watch the video linked here and pass it on to

those whom you think might also be...


Thanx tons.. :bandit:


Love and a Squish,



Alison Myrden


Federal Medical Marijuana Exemptee in Canada

The Medical Marijuana Mission



Speaker for LEAP -

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition


Based in the United States of America

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Thanx Spook...


Missed you guys... Did I ever tell you guys that my married, snowboarding. beer drinking riot of a cousin from Newfoundland, Canada has come your way and lives on or near Manley Beach in Australia somewhere... ? I could find details I'm sure...


Haven't had a great year this past , so am hoping 2007 will be TONS better... :thumbsup:


Thanx for the welcome back Spook. I'll try to drop by more often...


Love and a Squish,





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Hello Alison ,I'm new to OzStoners since your last visit here so I would like to tell you how much I appreciate your mission its a 10/10 lol I trust your medicine is potent and working well for you.

I watched your vid ,excellent though I think you would benefit by obtaining a decent quality microphone ,it would dramatically improve the sound quality.

I hope its OK with you to embed it on Drug Test Scam ? Which I will do after this reply,also I will put a link to your wonderful site (looks great). Cheers and my hope is that you are on the mend , Jess :thumbsup: :bandit:

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Well, three months ago my best mate left for Canada on a 6-month business trip ... meets a girl there, falls in love ... calls me this morning - "I just proposed", so now i've gotta fly over there mid-year for the wedding (he didnt ask, but how could i miss it?). I'm still trying to get my breath back, talk about a whirlwind romance ...


Anyway, nice to meet you Canadians (or as i prefer to say, Cannanadians) ... *waves cautiously* :peace:


I'll check out the vid later when i finish work

Edited by NotDave
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I am always amazed and disgusted by people who believe that marijuana should be legalized. These people have absolutely no idea whatsoever how stupid and evil such a proposal would be. Let’s consider the facts.


If marijuana were legalised where would that leave the alcohol industry? Do you know how many jobs the alcohol industry generates? First there is the direct employment in that industry. Then there are the jobs in law enforcement (i.e., police, lawyers, the court system, the domestic violence industry) and let’s not forget the misnamed ‘health’ system.


Cannabis has been used successfully to treat any number of diverse diseases and disorders. I have neither the time nor space to list all of these. What about the beleaguered pharmaceutical industry timidly attempting to protect their profits from a plant that can be grown at home, with which it is impossible to overdose and has no know side effects! I mean fuck me dead have you bastards no decency or concern for multi-national drug companies only trying to protect their massive profits? Shame on you!


Sure cannabis can be used to add quality and decency to the lives of those in pain and/or with terminal illnesses but as the church has always been quick to point out: Suffering is good for the soul! Would you Godless pricks deny people something that is good for their very souls? What about if they just use cannabis to feel happy? How disgusting is that?


And what about the paper industry busily destroying forests to make newspapers and telephone directories? Cannabis could replace all that environmental degradation and then some because it can also be used to provide building material, animal food, car bodies, bedding and a whole heap more. What would happen to those industries (and I ask this because I still mourn the loss of stable-boys)?


It’s stuck-up, know-it-all arseholes high as a kite on dope who are pushing for liberty, decency and intelligence in the face of manic hysteria and mass stupidity that really piss me off. Everyone knows that Cannabis leads to heroin – just like butter, tea and taking a shower does. Ask any heroin user and they’ll tell you that they’ve all used butter, drunk tea and taken showers long before these things got them using heroin. But it’s miserable people like you who refuse to see the connection!


I feel better now that I’ve got this off of my chest.


And remember, no matter what you’re asked or what you’re offered – JUST SAY NO!!


Al Fish

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I am always amazed and disgusted by people who believe that marijuana should be legalized. These people have absolutely no idea whatsoever how stupid and evil such a proposal would be. Let’s consider the facts.


If marijuana were legalised where would that leave the alcohol industry? Do you know how many jobs the alcohol industry generates? First there is the direct employment in that industry. Then there are the jobs in law enforcement (i.e., police, lawyers, the court system, the domestic violence industry) and let’s not forget the misnamed ‘health’ system.


Cannabis has been used successfully to treat any number of diverse diseases and disorders. I have neither the time nor space to list all of these. What about the beleaguered pharmaceutical industry timidly attempting to protect their profits from a plant that can be grown at home, with which it is impossible to overdose and has no know side effects! I mean fuck me dead have you bastards no decency or concern for multi-national drug companies only trying to protect their massive profits? Shame on you!


Sure cannabis can be used to add quality and decency to the lives of those in pain and/or with terminal illnesses but as the church has always been quick to point out: Suffering is good for the soul! Would you Godless pricks deny people something that is good for their very souls? What about if they just use cannabis to feel happy? How disgusting is that?


And what about the paper industry busily destroying forests to make newspapers and telephone directories? Cannabis could replace all that environmental degradation and then some because it can also be used to provide building material, animal food, car bodies, bedding and a whole heap more. What would happen to those industries (and I ask this because I still mourn the loss of stable-boys)?


It’s stuck-up, know-it-all arseholes high as a kite on dope who are pushing for liberty, decency and intelligence in the face of manic hysteria and mass stupidity that really piss me off. Everyone knows that Cannabis leads to heroin – just like butter, tea and taking a shower does. Ask any heroin user and they’ll tell you that they’ve all used butter, drunk tea and taken showers long before these things got them using heroin. But it’s miserable people like you who refuse to see the connection!


I feel better now that I’ve got this off of my chest.


And remember, no matter what you’re asked or what you’re offered – JUST SAY NO!!


Al Fish


To the person who said good post, you must be illiterate or didnt read the post, or handicapped. Those were the most idiotic reasons to not legalize marijuana that I've ever heard in my life. If I was arguing against those points in congress I'd have a field day, you would be laughed at.


1) Alcohol Profit Loss

Yes, lets not deny these money hungry corporations their money. These people have their jobs because of alchohol, a terrible drug that places strains on our healthcare system and leads to needless use of our RCMP who should be solving crimes, not dealing with drunk fools. Alcohol costs the healthcare system billions of dollars each year, it leads to problems which hosptalize people and leaves less beds for people who are truly ill, people that havnt drunk their life away and rotted out their brain and liver. Alcohol is the biggest problem of our healthcare system, without alcohol many lives could be saved and especially, lots of money.

People would turn to marijuana and wouldnt be sick all the time, wouldnt be binging and not going to work. We would have a way better society if people stopped drinking.


2) Oh crap, you were kidding werent you? I knew it was too good to be true. >.<

Edited by Zaknefain
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