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Advice on pipes

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What is the best way to smoke a pipe

inhale? :peace:


and what kind of pipe is best

They all get the same job done at the end of the day so i dont think there is such a thing as a 'best pipe'? unless we're talking gold plating etc


IMHO the best pipe is the one that makes you look old and distinguished, and helps bring out the red velvet in your gown. :toke:

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i just ordered a vapor genie from freewheelin. hasnt arrived yet but it is supposed to vapourise the smoke thus you dont get all the nasty tars that are associated with smoking. it aint cheap though. i reckon its worth getting a quality pipe not one of those cheap alluminium things. glass or brass perhaps.


if ya very rich get a vapouriser

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I heard that smoking marijuana in a pipe is different to smoking tobacco in the pipe

Yeah - you won't get stoned off the tobacco


and that flame has to continually be applied to the green.. correct?

tobacco just keeps burning but marijuana doesnt so yeah you need to relight regularly, especially if your gear isnt dried out enough


So you inhale and light at the same time?



Why do you want a pipe anyway? like, why not a bong? or even better a vape like freddie suggested

also keep in mind that pipes arent filtered

Edited by NotDave
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G'day MiickEe ,

I am wondering in investing in a pipe, I wanna try a lot of different consumption methods of marijuana. What is the best way to smoke a pipe, and what kind of pipe is best?

A simple Pipe is not too expensive , but I agree that Most regular style dry pipes function the same ... The smallest cheapest ones start at about $5 ..


I don't mind the common cheap Agung Metal Pipes .. But I find It's better to Have some length to the Pipe to cool the smoke a little .. the 8-10cm ones are fine tho .. I like them and have always had one lyin around for certain occasions :peace:

Other than that you would have to experiment with the different materials available to find what you prefer , Some prefer wood , some Brass , Some glass (A good glass Pipe would probly be optimal Imo , but usually hard to clean and eventually ugly , they have to work on that) :sly:


A pipe is more of a travelling companion for me , Somewhere between a small J and a small Bong ... as in ..

- a J is easier to conceal , and less conspicuos to smoke in public , already packed ...

- a small Pipe is less inconspicous than a J but more so than a Bong , but has to be packed on location ...

- a small Bong is harder again to conceal and requires more preperation on location ...


But besides all that , the effect you get from smokin MJ depends on the quality and quantity of the Budz you consume .. the method of intoxication has little influence Imho B)

Yes there are "better" ways than others to partake .. But there is only so much of the desired "drug" contained within the plant material :toke:


As for smoking a Pipe .. Well that's easy .. If you've ever smoked anything thru Papers , Pipes or Bongs then you know the basic Physics of how It burns/smoulders :P

Then It just depends on the grade of smoking material , preperation and practice of the "art" ... :toke:


Cool then .. Have a good one :toke: Enjoy


Budman :toke:


Oh , on an extra note ... Those metallic Agung Pipes are pretty good , unscrewable/cleanable and functional .. I would suggest tho Putting a small rock or just a small bit of tissue paper rolled up inside the main stem .. this will stop any "Hot rock" oral intrusions which is good to avoid ofc :toke: ... actually a regular "Slim" filter would probly fit also , But that will cut out too much airflow so thats Why the Small rock etc is better ; )


Cheerz ..


P.s. It's also pretty easy to make your own custom Pipe for virtually nuthin ... Might be a consideration : )

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OK here is the Brash recommendation:



This is my 'Old Faithful' - my favourite pipe, now nearly 10 years old. A standard little brass dry pipe that cost only a couple of dollars. The hole at the bottom of the bowl is slowly getting larger - often when I clean it out small amounts of brass get ground away. To counter this I put a small pebble in the the base - preventing ash from slipping through.


I used to swear by bongs, but due to my immune system I was getting repeated cases of bronchitis (or bong-chitis as my wag of a doctor called it). A lung specialist who I was sent to said if I "wasn't going to give up pot , at least give up the bong." I took his advice and from an average of 6 cases of bronchitis a year(requiring anti-biotic intervention), to last year I only needed intervention once - a huge improvement. The doc gave the reasons as thus:

• Bongs encourage over-inflation of the lungs - a major cause of emphysema

• Pneumo-irritants in smoke from bongs goes right down to the base of the lungs - a potential cause of pneumonia

• As for the 'filtering' in waterpipes in general - he claimed that as the smoke comes through in large bubbles, much of it is completely unfiltered.


His recommendation was shallow inhalation of reefer or dry pipe with definitely NO TOBACCO. He also said it was very important to clean the pipe regularly (every two or three smokes) keeping tar to a minimum.


He thought it sensible for all people (not just the immuno-comprimised) to give up the bong. I don't mean to preach but his advice worked for me and didn't reduce the pleasure I get from my favourite medicine.

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