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take crowns for better undergrowth?

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Hi everyone

I was reading some old posts and saw that Sukonmi Skunk recommended

taking the crowns from the plants and let under growth come through for

the next 1-3 weeks. What I was wondering is should I take the crowns at

8 weeks and let the rest go longer or take them at say 6 weeks and let the

rest go to 8 or 9 weeks

Any thought appreciated


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yeah this is called double cropping. or second picking....


its a technique ive used for years to boost yeilds... youve seen how I kink the plants down.. this allows the under growth to come through as main crowns...also spreads the canopy out like a scrog maximizing space and light...

some strians definately works better than others.. for instance.. red devil.. and say .. superskunk.. which are both a mix of indica and sativa... both are around 60% sat and %40 indica.. or there abouts... becuase of the sativa plant structure you tend to get little buds growing where in an indica strain there are none... this, imo is why a mixed plant indy/sati is probably the better plant for indoor growers... for yields...


let the crowns mature until they are ready... I like to pick them while they still glisten... clear trichs... just starting to turn... and yeah just cut the crowns.. you can always see where they are mature to.. usually you get the main crown thats all joined up into a nice bud with 2-3 lower internodal buds... cut below the 3rd as that is usually matured too.. sometimes you could cut more.. thats upto you and how far the light gets into the canopy as to how far down the buds are fully matured...


leave between 1-3 weeks.. again depending on strain... usually you will get a little more from the second pick, providing youve let the room grow out to a thick enough canopy... usually in 1 meter of canopy you would cut the first 40cms out leaving the under buds to mature up...


as with every technique it takes a little bit to master.. but after a few grows it will be second nature to you...


you can see I still use the same technique regardless weather I do the second pick or not... my strain doesnt secind pick all that well.. so I just bubble bag all the undergrowth.. might be why I seem to get a lot of bubble from such a small crop...

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