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Federal Government to ban the Bong!

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I forgot to add a link for that story. Just did a real quick search on "bong ban" and this popped up. Its dated yesterday. From the Age.


Push to ban sale of bongs


Scary shit.


"We are happy to continue to work with the other states and federal government in developing greater consistency on the sale of drug paraphernalia as part of this government's drug enforcement and harm minimisation strategy," the spokeswoman said.


Fuckwit! :scratchin:

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Could you post more about the law that is trying to be passed, including the specific wording if possible. As this whole anti-water pipe thing has been a major problem and personal issue for me.


I am a glass blower and I live in QLD, its the first place I moved to when coming here from Canada and the only state I have lived in so far, and from the day I got here (2 years ago) there has been a law that water pipes are illegal to make or posess (thats pretty much the exact wording as I looked it up). So that really screwed me over, because as a glass blower, one of the things I really wanted to do when moving here was to make water pipes, no so much bongs, but bubblers, but its illegal.


And someone mentioned in a reply about health effects from smoking out of plastic, such as bottles and garden hose, and they are totally correct. Glass is very healthy, it will never get hot enough from a lighter to send harmful chemicals into your lungs, and it won't pollute the taste of the herb, I am sure someone is going to accuse me of promoting glass for personal profit reasons, but its the truth that glass is cleaner, healthier and smoother to smoke out of, and water pipes are definetly better on your lungs and I find give you a better hit and a cleaner high than smoking out of dry pipes.


So essentially the govt is saying its ok to own and smoke out of dry pipes, just not water ones, and thats really fucked up, where do they get off making that kind of distinction ???

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They can stop the importation of them though. But I suppose there are Australian manufactures too

They have been banned from being on display for sale in NSW for well over a decade .

Now heres the interesting bit the ACT which is slap bang in the middle of NSW and the ACT has NEVER banned them and is the home of AGUNG Trading a BONG manufacturer/importer now deep in the recesses of my cannabis destroyed memory I recall a story about this company when NSW banned the display of bongs for sale in the 80's(they were everywhere including video stores,milkbars and lolly shops) ,not long after polly wankers were complaining that people could buy bongs from the ACT mail order flouting NSW laws and it was exposed that some of the directors of AGUNG were Liberal Party members might have been even Liberal polly wankers,its late and I can't be bothered doing a search engine search but I'm sure there will be stuff on this on the net and better still I would not be surprised if the same Liberal Party wankers were still HYPOCRITICALLY involved in bong selling through AGUNG. :yahoo: :scratchin: :toke:


edit: if this ends up the case and you break the story in the MSM a small token of appreciation to the idea provider for the story ,Jess Stone thanks! :peace:

Edited by Jess Stone
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I hadn't even considered the health aspect. Thanks for that interesting post Meerkat. I always did like Canadians.


It's just those warmongering Yankee neighbours of yours I can't stand. Hell bent on democratising everything in sight even though they have among the highest crime rate in the World. It was that 'land of the free' which started this whole undemocratic prohibition. Even in the Middle East you can toke til you choke without bluejays arresting you.


Somebody should raise this with the surgeon general or whomever is responsible for stopping regulations that are harmful to your health.

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Not only are bongs healthier because your smoke is being filtered, but glass is far healthier than plastic, metal and wood pipes. I am not sure about ceramic , I think they are ok in terms of health.


I just wish there was some more definite wording to the law, but I am pretty sure it just says water pipe. Which would cover bongs, hookas and bubblers.


But the thing is that all those pipes you can use dry, so it is kinda weird, as I would like to make bubblers, like say hammer bubblers, they are made to use with water, but you could use it dry, so I wonder, could I sell it as a dry pipe only to be used with tobacco and be all legal and just say "its not my problem what the customer does with it, if they put weed and water in it"

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I wouldn't worry, even if the Federal Government wants to ban bongs etc, they have to get the states to ok it and create the legislation, which if history is anything to go by, it will never happen....
Australian Constitution


Chapter V.109


"When the Law of a state is inconsistent with a law of the commonwealth the latter shall prevail, and the former, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid"

I'd just like to point out that the U.S.A. is Not a part of the commonwealth ..

I'm sure most do know that .. But Australias laws are not dependant on any other country or organizations laws .. as far as we are made aware of .. but ofc we are not stupid , and can realize that Federal , State and Local "representatives" always have a say as to what goes on in their own locality ...

Plus the Business sector is always relentless in the pursuit of Ultimate $$$ ..


And It's obvious that certain Pollies at this point in time are leaning on the U.S. for support , and for alternative ways to control their "Public" ..


But I still think It would be nearly Impossible to impose a ban on the sale of "Bongs" Whether Internationally or Nationally .. :sly:


Money and power are the main factors behind the modern "Rules" of society ... Drugs are very profitable to The "Governments" of the world :toke:

It's threatening to their Ultra-Welfare to think that people could be self-sufficient in these dire times ..


Ahem .. But As for the Bongs Bannings ... never gonna happen I reckon .. It's too much of a weak proposal ... and I do think that the "majority" has a bit better an idea as to how prevelant the use of Cannabis is within our society ..

Why upset the balance when they can just UP the fines and rape more revenue ?


And in saying that ... I'll say this ..

Support the "organizations" you support .. this is the only way keep them , and maybe you .. afloat . (For lack of a better way to say it right now) :toke:

FkthPigz! ..


Cheerz :toke:


Budman :peace:


Oh .. (P.s. 2 Meerkat , I agree with you most definatly about the Glass "Pipes" .. I'm sure many would attest the same .. I say Just Do It man (not like Nike tho) .. start blowin' as soon as possible (in a good way) .. :peace: Hopefully I can Buy a Unique Peice nex year from the OS Shop .. maybe.) B) Good Luck mate) ..



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