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Federal Government to ban the Bong!

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Looks like some little snot in the Federal Government has decided its time make an example of harmless potsmokers again. I realise the Government singles out minority groups to walk all over but this is going to hurt them in the next election. Over half of the population have smoked Cannabis at some point in their lives or still do and we all know the draconian prohibitionist laws originally made to destroy the hemp industry are a croc. What is the point in going after water pipes?


For crying out loud I can make one out of an orchy bottle and a few inches of garden hose. Trying to prevent the sale of bongs will only leave us with more money in our pockets to buy pot. The coalition is rapidly losing the plot. I'll bet Peter Garrett has toked on a few reefers in his time. If things get real bad he can write a book for us on the fine art of how to assemble an Amsterdam Spliff.

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It burrs me up too! having to listen to all the BS regarding cannabis

*I'm a bong smoker and have always made my own, hey if you grew up in Qld you had to,... throw the plastic bottles away regularly but have always used fuel line for the stem instead of PVC, available at any automotive outlet. Anyone with a lathe can turn me up a nice cone too, but the brass ones available at the moment fit perfectly into 1/4 inch fuel line, both will last forever so Faaaaaarrrrk off Federal Govt

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pretty hard to ban a coke bottle, peice of hose and ally cone peice.



I dont see it happening at all many shops would need to close, what next need to proove your a baccy smoker to get papers, must show id to buy glad lunch bags nah too hard and what a waste of time and money.



free for all i say.

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I wouldn't worry, even if the Federal Government wants to ban bongs etc, they have to get the states to ok it and create the legislation, which if history is anything to go by, it will never happen....


i hope you are right dsyfer, but even if the sale of bongs becomes illegal there are enough online shops to order from :doh:



Australian Constitution


Chapter V.109


"When the Law of a state is inconsistent with a law of the commonwealth the latter shall prevail, and the former, to the extent of the inconsistency, be invalid"

Edited by Ruen
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