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This crop was stuffed!

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Hi stoners

I posted about ozone damage to my plant about 7 weeks ago.

I only ever use a carbon filter, but tradesman were working here for

weeks on end right near GR so I bought some xtra insurance in the

form of an ozone generator. I must have been off my face at the time

because looking back I put the ozone gen in the room, 2 foot from plants

and had a fan blowing the gen straight onto the plants. I only used it for 3 days

and by the third day had very visible damage in the way of burning etc.

I cut the damaged section away ( 20% of one plant and nil off the other)

and contined to grow.

Harvest time revealed very very little crystals, hardly any smell throughout

the grow, only about the third of the high as usual, and down on yield

Can it be said unequivocally that is was definite damage from the ozone

gen? I had clones in the same room but well away from the gen, I am just about

to flower them, could they be stuffed as well just by being in the room?


I have heard all sorts of shit over the years, and I am just about to research it on this

site, but I have heard that a strain is only good for so long and can degenerate

after cloning and cloning and cloning. This may be bullshit but will look into it.

I have had probs with every grow with the appearance of my babies. The shade

leaves suffer horrendous necrosis severe yellowing and dying of shade leaves,

but yield, smell, and crystals have always been excellent.


Have been advised by stoners that my nutes are too strong so I will remedy that

this time around, but was wondering if all of these probs are part of a bigger prob

other than the ozone gen damage.

Appreciate any thoughts especially if you have damaged a plant with ozone



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any sort of smell prevention device should be situated OUTSIDE the grow room... or exhuasted out of the grow room.. so that the exhuasted air isnt reused... by placing it in the room.. it will deminish the smell of the finished product dramatically.. after all thats what it is ment to do...


ozone should NEVER be placed inside the room... ozone damage.. looks a lot like heatstress, or spidermites.. or even mg difficiency.. as the leaves will form little brown pinhead size spots... remove the ozone so its inline with the exhaust ducting.. and always have at least one length of duct after the ozone so the ozone and the smelly air have time to mix and nutralize... Ive got 2 lengths(6m)


unfortunately the damage done from ozone is permanant.. meaning the spots will always be there...

as for there not being many crystals.. it could be a number of things.. .not enough heat in the room...to much humidity...poor ventalation...crappy strain... in this case its probably due the bad placement of ozone... the next lot shouldnt be effected... once the ozone is sorted... however if the next lot turns out simular.. then you might have an enviroment problem...

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Thanks for some insight SS

I live in SE Queensland so not enough heat is definitely not an issue, humidity never

got over 50%, but temp did get up around 32C a number of times.

Have 2 x 600 watters my ventilation is centrifugal fan 310 UF 300mm and 400mm

x 1000mm carbon filter, supposed by sufficient for a couple of 1000 watters so I am

assuming it is more than plenty for my 2 small 600's.

At least you have given my hope that I haven't stuffed subsequent grows with my strain.

Stopped using ozone gen on 3rd day and will never use it unless there is an emergency.



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looks like ill be pullin me ozone gen out of me grow room

i have had the lil brown spots previosly

although not for some time now

all the best A1



i dont work with clones anymore unfortunately

but im hoping to re intergrate clonin into me grow

BUT i remember a friend who grew from 1 mother plant

take cuts,flower mother plant, take cuts from the cut and flower the cut

and so on and so on.this strain was northern lights .he says he did this repedadely for 4 years

i smoked the harvests of these clones and i can say i didnt see any loss

i didnt even know he was using this method at the time

he swears by the cutting from cuts method

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Hi aussie1, I remembered your sick plant post, gee now you've been fiddling with ozone :doh: good stuff, good to see your not afraid to get amongst it.

In regards to your question on clones, as you say a lot of people seem to think clones loose vigour and strength of high if they are cloned in a continual way. I have read that cells can mutate and this can then be seen in loss of vigour, high etc. However, after using clones off of a friend who regularly revegs, clones, clones again, the only thing I have seen is a few twisted leaves that seem to straighten out as they grow and a couple of bud sites growing horizontally off of vertical branches. I have some of these downstairs at the moment and the amount of trichomes is in no way decreasing, if anything these look the best of this strain so far and seem to be one of the fastest finishers I've seen

If you are considering revegging or cloning from clones I would say go for it

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Yeh, I can honestly say that even though I have been cloning, vegging, then grab a clone off

that one before I flower, for the last 4 years, and god knows how many times it had been

done before I was given the clone, I can honestly say I cannot see any degeneration in

quality or yield over all of those grows.Unfortunately I had the prob with ozone gen,

and it seems as though I am over ferting, but on a trouble free run itseems really good.

It seems to be a regular assumption by a lot of people that the plant will go down hill as

time goes by if you continually clone off the plants you are vegging for blooming.

Can't find a lot of info on this though.

Thanks for comments


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Starting from one clone you can clone forever without loosing anything , matter off fact you can make it better !


Its all about selection and filial degeneration , as Sol said " oils aint oils " well clones aint clones, even from the same source ,, always take at least twice what you really need , then select the fastest most vigourous root developers and throw away the rest , then when you are ready to turn to flower take your next lot off cuttings from the best two only , in a 4wk cycle trim the best one right back and make her one off the next two keepers and replace her the next time round off cuts , do this everytime and the strain will become very uniform and stronger because you are isolating and then concentrating the most sort after traits , this is how you purify a pure strain ,, the THC will stay constant but as you get to know your plants traits you can start to select for the potency also , but you wont gain much in THC from the orignals but you can loose some quite easy ,, thats why you clone from two mothers so that there is a little variation in the your gene pool , this variation allows the improvement spikes ,, certain things will influence your choice of best of the best in your propagating and its the very best you want to be drilling down on all the time , no strain will go backwards doing this method .


Now look at it the other way , you got the same clone that was used in the above ,, but now you are taking cuttings from cuttings where some were a little slower than others ,, not much just a few days , some were a tad smaller etc etc ,, but you need them all , so in they go and bit latter on you cut them again and around we go ,,,,,,, the strain is going backwards not from multiple cloning , the reason is filial degeneration ,, a term used to describe a fact of nature where a strain or line of anything will tend to revert to the average of the strain ,, each generation nature is pulling your plants back to the middle of the road and your lack of hard nosed selection has helped her lower the potensial of the strain ,, guess what ,, your plants aint what they used to be ,, how many times Ive read or heard people say that that .


Selection is everything yet most everybody takes it for granted , we all select what we think are the better end , but if you get serious it pays you back , Its also very important you meet your plants needs by having a good working system to get the real benefits .



Edited by Roadblock
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