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Well I'm only guessing here ev. You know better than anyone of how your system was performing, and I'd like to hear how you ran those Mothers Finest too

The point I'm trying to make is that quite a few things in all sorts of different combinations can cause the root system to become unhealthy and thus effect nutrient uptake. Could be that they weren't flushed enough, could be that high temps/humidity caused some fungus spores to thrive, maybe the temps climbed one day while the rez was low and EC went up just enough for the already poorly flushed root zone to become toxic,... end result looks the same.

Bet the roots on the MF were brown and a little stinky? I'd be guessing the drying buds smell a bit off too?

By the look of them Pythium had a decent hold at the end

Edited by bufo marinus
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meant to take a pic of the mf roots , but forgot :thumbsup: they looked ok really not rotting ...


must a just been high temps\nutes ....


buds a bit flimsy but tastes nice and mellow high .


next grow will be a bit cooler as the months tick by , and i'm going for a smaller pot and 40 % perlite


see what happens


ev :bandit:

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Hi ev, when you say the roots were ok, were they white white or browny white? If they were nice and white you'd probably have to say it was a high fert/root temp combination possibly...

Funny you should mention the perlite, I've been trying to decide whether to do a recirc hydroton or coco grow. Ended up deciding on a 60/40 coco/perlite mix, the deciding factor being I think the root zone will be easier to keep a more constant state of temp and moisture during the last half of summer.

I'll start the hydroton again when summer is gone and the res will be easier to manage temp wise

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hey there bufo


i just realized you got a link in here of one of my plants :thumbsup: you leave my claw alone or i want some claw commision lmao


the reason for mine is i mixture between being root bound as that was a bigstone mother plant and wasnt going to be flowered but couldnt help myself as i wanted to see what the smoke was like.

So after about week 1 in flower it was root bound and also the nutes i was feeding it were at full strength and when the RJ was added at week 3 it would have pushed the PPM up


so there you have it thats why i had the claw :bandit:


cheerz :Dj:

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Those earlier pics looked quiote normal to me the use of pgrs makes them grow into them selves . This leaf curl problem can be negated some wahat by diluting your product (rock juice ,super bud etc) down to 1/4 strength and then using it likle its full strength .Plus it saves a bit of money.


Also I dont grow indoors during the warmer mths if possible bnut I do I reduce the amounts of nutrient ec levels down to about 1/2 strength reason being higher nute temps cause a rize plant metabolism which in turn causes higher nute uptake .

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Thanks for dropping in and seeing what I was up to with your plant pics stoney :bandit:

Yes I would agree on your diagnosis too.

There have been quite a few pics posted recently showing this, some only slightly, some worse cases of the claw such as my own.

I would say chato's room suffered the same fate as yours stoney, you pair run at the limit with your nutes, so a rise in temps and any laziness? lol lmao, in keeping the res full or rootbound plants that should have been repotted wouldn't take much to see a rise in EC..... eh?

Gotta get Gazza in here now and see what he's been doing :thumbsup:

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hey there


i also tend to agree with eternity that it also may have to do with the rock juice itself as i know that me and chato use it but he has switched to superbud recently and i know gazza used it once or twice just dont know if it was on the grow of which you have linked


cheerz :Dj:

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Hey bufo here's that clawy I mentioned earlier for the thread.


There's no rockjuice in this one. She's had only silica magic, canna vega/flores,zyme and rhizotonic. The last 2 being whats stopping her from clawing up any worse IMO. Aim for no more than 6.5 and not much higher than 1.8-2. Medium is humus, worm caste, composted manures, potmix, coco, f- all perl, hydrotron.


The bigger plant to the left has little to no claw. Same strain, just 35 lt compared to 4lt medium.


She's had some fungus gnat attack. They are well under control now, but can't rule out some early pyth damage to the roots which has shown in the flores. With the zyme and rhizo (and neem!) helping to buffer somewhat.


Her day 34 so tomorrow she'll be pk'ed :thumbsup:


Good unclawing mate :bandit:


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