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Tough drug laws hidden away (S.A.)

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Tough drug laws hidden away


DESPITE Premier Mike Rann's tough talk to stamp out "evil" drug lords who use children as traffickers, his Government has failed to commence new laws targeting drug dealing activities.

The laws were passed exactly one-year ago, creating more severe penalties for drug dealers but the Government has stopped them from becoming operational.


Drug dealers who sell, supply or administer drugs to children should be facing maximum penalties of life imprisonment and, or, a $1 million fine.


But the State Government, which promised to commence the law this year, has stalled its introduction while bureaucratic red-tape holds up other tough new drug laws.


Earlier this year, Premier Mike Rann said he would not tolerate people who use children in their drug-dealing activities.


The State Government will wait until a national drug schedule is completed before the tougher penalties are introduced but there is nothing stopping it from commencing the laws aimed at protecting children, it has been claimed. Independent MLC Nick Xenophon yesterday slammed the Government, describing the delay as a "serious oversight".


"The Parliament did its job by passing these laws, it's about time the Government did its job by bringing them into force," he said.


Opposition Legal Affairs Spokeswoman Isobel Redmond yesterday said the delay to compile the schedule was unacceptable.


A spokesman for Attorney-General Michael Atkinson said it did not want to introduce the new laws in separate stages.


"Once the schedule is published the Government will ensure the regulations are drafted swiftly and the Act, in its entirety, comes into force," the spokesman said. The schedule should be nationally approved in mid-January, 2007.



Date: 1st Dec. 2006

Source: Adelaide Now -The Advertiser

Copyright: Copyright 2006 News Limited.


OK so thats not all .... The Independent Weekly 9-10 Dec. in its feature expose on Marijuana claimed that on 6th Dec. the Upper House of State Parliment passed a bill put up by Family First which will make it a court apperance for growing ONE plant outdoors ... AND Nick Xenphonon's No Pokies Party also attached an amendment - upping the fine for growing a plant to $5000 and Two years jail

the legislation has yet to pass the Lower House.



I posted a pdf copy of the relevant featured article from the Independent in the thread link below




Yea so what a mongrel that Nick xenphonon turned out to be lol



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Selling drugs to kids is definately a fucked up thing to do. But Life in prison? Rapists and child molesters dont' even get that. So if you tamper with a kid and fuck them up for life, you get maybe 10yrs at the very most, but if you sell them some weed you get life?


where the fuck are kids gunna get money to buy drugs. If you put money into a childs hands i'm sure the first thing on his/her mind isn't "geez i wonder if dodgie dave has some fat skunk baggies". No, they be going to the shop to buy lollies.


I think the media are cleverly assosiating drug dealers to kids to scare parents into staying on their side and never opening their minds to the fact that there is such thing as responsible drug users. Geez the media love to keep the ppl in fear.


Maybe i dont' read the paper much, but i can't remember dealers ever using children to sell their product, or sell to children.


I've always had respect for Nick Xenaphon, the 'no pokies' MP. I fucking hate those things. When ever i see ppl at the pokies i think of battery hens pecking their feed. Spending all their pensions and dole money there. It's a crime if you ask me. As for the $5000 fine and jail for one plant? fuck.....what's got into him. Maybe Family first put him up to it in exchange for prefernces or something. There's something about politics that seems to turn even the best characters into some sort of fake smiling, tow the line, cunning and greedy robots.


Anyone got a link to S.A's current drug laws? I can't keep up with the changes. Soon we'll be doing 10yrs jail for smoking a joint lol


p.s I wonder if Jesus would fine someone $5000 and put them in jail for growing a dope plant lol


Found the link myself http://www.lawhandbook.sa.gov.au/index_art...rch&id=3106

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From that link you posted BentBuddha

AG v Barbaro and IrwinLSJS 161 (1991) 483.


Leung pleaded guilty to the production of 14.765kg of cannabis that had not fully dried. He was sentenced to 20 months imprisonment with a non-parole period of 12 months. He appealed on the ground that he should have been sentenced on the basis of cultivation of 14 plants, which would have resulted in lower penalty than that of harvested cannabis. While the Court of Criminal Appeal acknowledged that the penalty scheme of the Controlled Substances Act 1984(SA) can give rise to serious anomalies, the penalty imposed on Mr Leung could not be said to be excessive. The scheme of penalties in the Act is such that when the conduct that is charged as production is in fact cultivation, the penalty range is to be determined by the weight of the cannabis concerned. In any event the applicant was guilty of both cultivation and production other than by cultivation.


Leung & Monaghan(1999) 105 A Crim R398


You really think to be fair they would have dried it as he ended up in the Cannabis More than 10 kg range instead of under it..... Depending on how wet it was


I bet he is damm raving about that every one of hes 20 months


I would say if in SA dry it fast PPL !!!!

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