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Adelaide's Independent Weekly newspaper

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Was anyone able to pick up the latest Independent Weekly - it featured a large, healthy shade leaf and a headline to the effect that Adelaide is the marijuana capital of Australia or some such. I suspect it's a stupid sensationist article designed to pull in the weekend readership (ooh, vice!) but maybe I'm being too hard on the paper - it used to be a fairly bright paper. If anyone could post a scan I'd appreciate it or I'll look for it at the library and post it myself here.


If Adelaide is the marijuana capital of Australia why do I never bump into other smokers - it's crazy!

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funnily enough... they are right.. Adelaide is the capitol of MJ... and I would even go as far as saying the capitol of the world... even better than the dam... well for prices anyway... theres no where else on the planet than you can score an ounce of primo grown skunk weed for less than $200AUSD.. maybe canada... but our weed is definately better..:peace:


tripple J was once quoted saying that if it wasnt for the people growing and selling pot to everyone else in the country, Adelaide would be ghost town... they then went on to say that the MJ industry in SA is just as.. if not bigger than the wine industry... I wouldnt think bigger myself.. but no doubt its on par...

an estimated %40 of the population of Adelaide smoke MJ.... phone polls have shown that about %80 of the population wouldnt care if it was legalised... makes you wonder why OUR elected officials DONT listen to the very people that elected them...


you cant be serious when you say you cant find any where to score in Adelaide??? have you tried leaving the house??...

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you cant be serious when you say you cant find any where to score in Adelaide??? have you tried leaving the house??...
I don't have to leave the house to score, I grow. I was saying that I rarely meet other tokers in the normal course of things. Maybe everyone's in the closet ? If there are so many tokers in Adelaide wouldn't you expect there to be, I dunno, a pot-friendly cafe/beach/restaurant/something ? Sometimes I feel like the lone toker..
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I moved from Vic to Adelaide in 97. I might travel in diff social cirlces than you (not saying one is better than the other), and one thing i noticed was how many ppl just lit up almost where ever they felt like it. Coming from a Nazi state, i was shocked, and pleased by how relaxed it all was. And how cheap. I use to go to the pub in the city called Producers. You only had to walk in the beer garden and 5 dealers would give you 'the nod'. That place closed down unfortuneately as it was a great place to toke and down some brews. It seems every second person i know smokes. Again, i put it down to probably just different social cirlces. Strange thing about this place is the pot has become better and cheaper as the laws have become tighter. Not the best state to grow in if you have comercial ambitions. You can make a dollar if that's ur goal, but i don't think anyones getting rich. With the price of equipment, nutes, elec etc. Sydney growers must be loving the prices they fetch
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