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Research reveals greater risks for pot smokers

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Wow, in the 70+ years that cannabis has been criminalized ,can any one name an instance of reasonable and thoughtful presentation of the facts that has achieved a reversal of anti-cannabis laws that has lead to re-legalization of cannabis?

Does any one here think that people like the people we discuss here actually read OzStoners?

The ranting and raving and the questions were directed at people who in my estimation wouldn't be caught dead on OzStoners with "drop kick losers" (their opinion of us).

I can tell you this as a fact: You can send scores of emails to these sort of people asking reasonable intelligent questions based on facts , and you would be lucky to get 1 response back if indeed you got any,however you do get there attention when you publish nasty personal attacks on their integrity,if your game!


Here is this "reasoned and thoughtful" er "" Doktor "" making "sensible and factual" statements that are given as his "" expert "" er ,"opinion"

ANNIE GUEST: The Federal Government says it goes beyond policing as well and puts substantial amounts of money into education campaigns.


DAVID CALDICOTT: Unfortunately, these education campaigns are abstinence-based. We have to accept the fact that 38 per cent, according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare survey in 2005, 38 per cent of young Australians have tried an illegal substance.


If you are a drug user, and this is the opinion that would be espoused by many of the more right-wing politicians, then you deserve all the harm that's coming your way.


ANNIE GUEST: And what are those answers then?


DAVID CALDICOTT: Well, I think we can be quite clever in Australia and think outside the box. For example, let's support our needle injection rooms, which work so well, let's target drugs which we know to be very dangerous.


For example, hydroponic marijuana is more dangerous than bush-grown marijuana. We're a large ... very big supporters of school-based education, non-moral education, and I think there's more than enough evidence from a health perspective to persuade young people not to use drugs.


We have tried, ad nauseam, to introduce and trial a pill-testing program in Australia, and yet we've been repeatedly rebuffed and told that that sends the wrong message to consumers.

Lets see he supports HEROIN injection rooms for HEROIN ADDICTS to to feed their addiction with HEROIN,and his opinion on this is that its "quite clever"!!

But its his opinion also that ""let's target drugs which we know to be very dangerous."" then goes on to make the ""factual statement"" that ""For example, hydroponic marijuana is more dangerous than bush-grown marijuana"" ,I see thats reasonable and factual and balanced as you wouldn't want to send the wrong message to the kiddies ,so in the one statement he links heroin and cannabis and strongly implies by association to us that heroin is the lesser evil of the twin evils of heroin and "hydro"cannabis and kids need to be "edjakated" on these FACTS. Really when I think about it this guy is so intelligent and well "edjakated" how could I possibly doubt his sacred almost Holy opinion which is based on sound reasoning and scientific facts, infact I would like him to be YOUR kids drug "edjakator",hopefully coming to a school near YOU real soon. :peace:

source : ABC online

Edited by Jess Stone
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Pot elevates the heart rate. This has been known for decades.It wouldnt surprise me if it did increase the risk of heart attack. As Pipeman points out many things also elevate the heart rate. Stress is probably one of the main killers. I started smoking again because of job related stress. I was coming home everyday stressed and angry.I dunno if my heart rate would be worse stressed or stoned? These questions are rarely simple. However there are certainly health risks involved in smoking pot an i strongly urge smokers towards harm minimisation. Use a vape, dont mix with tobacco and eat it if you can afford to.


The doctor points out that pot is up to 6 times as potent as it was in the pre hydro days. This is totally wrong. Pot was just as strong in the 70s and 80s. Anyone remember Thai sticks? Imported black putty. Buddha sticks?


I keep hearing hydro is stronger. I have recently gone from growing hydro to organic. I'm usin the same clones and i cant tell the difference between hydro and organic as far as potency. The only difference is in yield.

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As long as stuff like this is published we will never be able to legalize Pot. The problem is there are to many votes influanced by this. however in my opinon I would not want pot to be legalized. just decrimanalized. if pot was legal then the Government would tax it. stop growers and fill it with cemicals. would we really want that? pot to be filled with the shit that tabbacoo has in it?
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Any one watch ABC 7:30 Report-cannabis PROVEN to cause craziness lol report on the 13-12-06 the lead story was about the NOW proven link between cannabis and mental disease and the atrophy of the adolescent brain ? It was obviously so balanced and factual from the lead intro I felt there was no point to watching it,and turned to 9 and watched 2.5 Men.I don't believe that because of the new rules for the ABC that forces them to provide politically ideologically balanced reporting that the ABC is now a propaganda tool of the Lib/Nat coalition so I reasoned that they would provide factual information from a non-ideological unbiased perspective and most importantly~~~ its to close to Xmas to afford a new TV lol lol


*brought to you courtesy of Bizarro-world !

Edited by Jess Stone
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what gets me.. if these people died from smoking pot that was so strong... and lets just say for a sec that they did... then why is tobbacco and alcohol still legal when they kill 1000's of people on a DAILY basis...


oh now I get it...

all we need is for 1000's of people to be dying world wide from smoking MJ and the governments will legalise it... how could I have been so dumb all these years..lol



But the point is coffee, tobacco and junk foods cause the same type of damage. I'm sure even Dr Caldicott would agree that drinking coffee smoking cigs and eating junk food every day will do a lot more damage to your health than smoking pot.


If we want those on the other side to be receptive to our ideas we have to be realistic and admit that smoking pot has some negative health side effects. lol



It seems we must pay for our vices with our health and our wallet, otherwise it is not acceptable, I honestly believe that if cannabis is ever 'legalised' it will be taxed... heavily.


There are undoubtably some risks involved in using pot, but in light of the risks in using already legal drugs (read up on the health risks for the caffine in your kids 'soft' drinks or the paracetamol you give them when they're unwell) those risks should, in themselves, be no reason for prohibition and these drugs are so pervasive that people don't even tend to consider them as drugs at all.


Then we could hit on alcohol, with the possible exception of tobacco I couldn't think of a drug that has killed more people, either directly or indirectly, and more importantly that has been known about for so long, even texts from ancient civilisations spoke of people dying from "consumption" as it was called, or being "lost in their cups" as the severe mental illness of a heavy drinker was called.


If I wanted to shit stir I could pose the question "If alcohol were not mentioned in the Bible and was not a part of mainstream Christian worship, would it still be legal in this country?" but I wont lol


EDIT: I also fail to see how the anecdotal evidence of one doctor in a practicing (and very likely overworked) emergency department counts as 'research', perhaps I just set my standards too high lol

Edited by DownUnderDoper
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