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Research reveals greater risks for pot smokers

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I think the worst damadge came from going to a doctor like him , so getting any treatment from a "normal doctor" fucks your heart forever and addictive drugs forever too , how many people are dying before they wake up and realise these guys are no better than the concentration camp doctors


how many die from medical intervention and wrongfull death each year ?


I must admit I've had megecones before that im sure gave me palpitations but it made the equipment STRONGER and FITTER for the next Session!

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I agree that if it was going to be constructive journalism then they should provided statistics and proof, instead of scare-mongering statistics. I am going to be writing a letter to this reporter if I can find his Email address somewhere, shouldn't be that hard. (looks like I spoke too soon. If anyone else can find his Email address and post it here that would be great. I believe he should know how I feel abut his biased reporting maybe even point his to this thread to see what we really think about it)


Just a few notes after five minutes of research.....


***Looks like the reporter Mr. Ina Henschke has had interviews with this expert before




Reporter: Ian Henschke

This week anti drugs MP Ann Bressington called for compulsory drug tests for all public and private high school students. It's reignited the debate about how we deal with the issue of drugs. So tonight we've asked her and leading drugs researcher, Dr David Caldicott from the Emergency Department at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, to discuss the issue.




***Dr David Caldicott has good reason to encourage the cannabis prohibition movement. More lies being told for another mans personal greed.



He lives in the Adelaide Hills on 50 acres of bush with a very small vineyard. His grows an acre of mixed red wine grapes as hobby and the first vintage predominantly pinot was bottled last year. http://www.unisa.edu.au/hypotheticals/panel/henschke.asp



***Looks like reporter Ina Hencshke has proven himself against cannabis before




IAN HENCSHKE: Well, let's just take the marijuana use as an issue. Why not have a zero tolerance policy? You've got a doctor running an emergency centre.




IAN HENSCHKE: If I'm an airline pilot I can't even have a drink before I fly a plane, the night before.


JOE HOOPER: Yes. I think I can only agree with you. The issue of marijuana use and what is or is not an acceptable level is something that the board needs to revisit clearly in light of this case and others. The use of marijuana and the evidence before the board in relation to its effect on performance is something that we need to examine much more closely. My understanding is that the evidence hasn't been there to say that it affects clinical judgment to the point where a doctor cannot perform.




Edited by auspamp
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These ,I'm going to have to say it(I'm sorry niall but I can't help it when I see crap like this) FUCKWIT CUNTS

deserve to be stabbed in the ass with a donkeys dick, many many times.

Hey quack pseudo-doktor dogass fucking cunt heres a question? What the fuck are the names of these people who died LIAR ?Come on Dr DogCunt ,what are the names of these people who you lie about dying from cannabis??? This CUNT needs to be challenged to put up or shut the fuck up. :peace: :peace:

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Jess what is the point of making posts like this? You are not being an activist just an angry pot smoker, and someone the "fuckwit cunts" as you put it can use as an example of pot induced psychosis.


If you want to prove pot doesn't make you a psycho a good start would be to not talk like a psycho. I know you are just venting but still...


As for the report, the doc is basically right. Smoking pot will cause some increased level of stress on the cardio vascular system. Ever notice your heart starts racing a bit when you get high? Its a fairly common side effect.


But the point is coffee, tobacco and junk foods cause the same type of damage. I'm sure even Dr Caldicott would agree that drinking coffee smoking cigs and eating junk food every day will do a lot more damage to your health than smoking pot.


If we want those on the other side to be receptive to our ideas we have to be realistic and admit that smoking pot has some negative health side effects. :peace:

Edited by pipeman
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Puffing pot became a permanent part of our popular culture




you're way to unreasonable jess...you don't think stoners, of all people, would know all about the lies...would know that the chemical drugs come from the government to fund their hidden agendas and that weed, if legalized, would flip the economy around.


you getting angry just makes the rest of us look like ignorant morons, which we're clearly not.


alls im saying is, if you wanna get your message across or debate it even, a board full of stoners who already know and have given up because the government is better funded than we are is not a place to start...try the street, full of ignorant, close minded people :peace:


happy hunting :peace:

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