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"WEEDS" the soap opera, new Network9 TV show

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yer i just finished watchin the 2nd season and i have to say i really like the show. some very snappy dialogue and some great one liners, councilman doug has to be one of me favourites. bit too much gunplay but that's prolly the states for ya. i also like the different singers for the intro song, not sure but think i heard arnie da franco or whatever her name is sing it once or twice.




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even though P&T are HUGE wankers its a pretty good critique of the phony BS war on drugs. :scratchin:


How are Penn an Teller huge wannkers ? They have been my favourite comedy and magician team for like 15 years now. Penn also has his own radiio show which is mainly about personal and civil liberties, freedom from the government, freedom from religion and getting the government out of our bodies and what we put into them and out of our bedrooms, he's a totally cool guy.

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when you watch them one after the other, it's fucking great...but IMO anything on tv is crap because i cant be arsed waiting 2 months before i see the next episode (or whenever i can remember to watch whatever it is i wanna watch)


the truth of the matter is im pretty ripped most of the time...so...what day is it?



and, paris hilton, "nigga, dyo know by kissin that bitch on the lips, you just sucked every niggers dick in this party" comes to mind :yahoo:



p.s it's from don't be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood, for all you oldies/youngies/people who don't have a clue what im talking about and think im on drugs.



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