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"WEEDS" the soap opera, new Network9 TV show

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Any one seen the ads on Ch9 for WEEDS starting Tues 5th Dec ? Theres nothing on 9MSN about it however I've seen quite a few ads so far( during Letterman Monday morning 3:00am 27-11-06) ,theres a bit on the net WEEDS TV Show ,from memory the show does not portray cannabis in a negative way,its just by-the-way dope sales as they go about there lives.A single mum I believe this could be interesting in view of the current "Reefer Madness" hysteria in OZ at the moment. As you can imagine its cable only in the US however so is the Sopranos&the Simpsons and we get those uncensored, the US audiences would never get this sort of stuff free-to-air ,remember the Janet Jacko BS ? SBS would give the average Yank a heart attack ( well bu$h's support base anyway) :peace: :peace: Edited by Jess Stone
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:peace: Wow I'm a bit shocked theyre gonna air it here Jess?

No it sort of takes away the stigma of cannabis, desenstizes the audience to it; then shows the violent side of greed and organized crime - DEA included.


Bloody excellant show tho! Must have watched the season 2 finale about 50 times :peace:


I heard there is a third season in production to Moking :peace:

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I think the finale of Season 2 (in fact, MOST of Season 2) reinforces perceptions of criminality and cannabis in a distinctly USA way (ie. lot'sa guns). It's a shame but I suppose that is the reality of cannabis prohibition (meaning growers are ultimately targets for cops or crooks or both..)


Having said that conflict IS a neccessary part of drama and it's nice to see a TV show that isn't about police/doctors/lawyers..

i want to have sex with this woman
- get yourself some MILF weed rehanaownsu :yahoo:
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its going to out/enrage the Anti-Cannabis-Nazis !
Only if they watch it and a bit more public debating on the subject won't do any harm.


From Yahoo TV guide:

Program Details: Tuesday Dec 5 2006

9:30pm - 10:30pm | Nine


Pilot/Free Goat


Genre: Comedy


Nancy Botwin is recently widowed, penniless and desperate for money to maintain her suburban lifestyle. Her only choice is to become the neighbourhood's supplier, dealing prohibited substances to other yuppies.


Premiere,Closed Captions

60 mins




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WEEDS :toke: is certainly better than the Other Crap on ten ! :peace: I'm not a huge fan of soapies but this was OK,Nancy is definitely bonkworthy :toke: . Whats up with Nine they show WEEDS then later on Penn&Tellers BS is about the BS war on drugs . Is Nine trying to tell the public something? If so management should have words with ACA the reefer :peace: madness idiots. I had the P&T BS :The war on drugs embedded on DTS but GoogleVid or Utube whoever had it was made to take it off,which was a pity as even though P&T are HUGE wankers its a pretty good critique of the phony BS war on drugs. :peace:
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