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Dope activist to smoke 1m long joint

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A MEDICAL marijuana user plans to see in the New Year on an all-time high - by rolling the world's biggest joint.


Los Angeles resident Brett Stone said he plans to usher in 2007 by building a 910 cm cigarette using around 112 grams of marijuana.


Mr Stone said he was inspired to try for a record after learning that the previous biggest joint was made with 100 grams.


"I thought the world's largest joint would have been a lot larger," said Mr Stone, 48, who runs the medical marijuana website dabronxnews.com.


Medical marijuana use has been legal in California since 1996, when voters passed a law allowing the drug to be used as a pain reliever.


Mr Stone said he would be careful to ensure that his record attempt would remain legal, indicating that the joint would be smoked in a local medical marijuana collective.


"We're probably going to do it as a fundraiser," he said. "And the mayor and police chief would be most welcome if they have a doctor's note to consume cannabis."


Mr Stone said he plans to roll an even bigger joint to mark the US football final at the Super Bowl next February - and has asked companies if they can provide custom made rolling papers to help the attempt.

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