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fucking fox prick

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:thumbsup: just felt like some cones so i go to my room oprah is on a bill oreily is on it. he is a right wing prick



the first thing i heard him say was about how he isnt biased and he isnt right wing he isnt lidrel either he sits on the fence



followed by



"you know why traditionalists are going to win the culture war, because there is more of us"(paraphrased)


then he beat down bush bashers whilst singing out bush praise then five minutes later was bush bashing himself then trying to claim he wasnt bush bashing even though he was :S



its funny cause his the number one watched news show in america :S



thats really sad cause his a prick

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Yeh , that guy is usually a complete prick ..

Interestingly he was rather reserved in that Interveiw with Dave Letterman .. I guess he kinda had to be ...

Cheerz for the link IceAge ..

I'd recommend watching the Full 11 minutes to get a better picture of the tension B) .. The body language of both of them was Interesting ...


Now I'm gonna go check out Borat on Letterman .. heheh Damn Utube .. I hope I don't get addicted .. lol


Budman lol

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Yeah Budman, about being reserved, when he was back on Fox news two Fox people (correspondants or whatever) reviewed both the clips. This is how I found out he was on both and no, I rarely watch Fow news, just sometimes I see his show and watch it for 5 mins to see what kind of a dick he can make of himself. The correspondants said he was good on both shows, blah blah and he said he didn't worry about the Letterman one because he thought he would let Letterman show off to his cool-aid drinking crowd. As for the Oprah one, he said he was happy with the crowd because there were people on both sides where the Letterman crowd are basically just cool-aid drinking losers and being totally one sided.


Budman, check out the Bush Letterman one, this is hilarious. You may have already if you got hooked lol. - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RueowisPR5I


Oh and certainly don't miss these ones. I have the DVD with all of these and more in them, it's called Bushisms.


George W 1:


George W 2:


George W 3:


George W 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQTZ7thqrFs...ted&search= (Much the same as 1)


Old GW:


Sorry but looking at Letterman you may have seen this one also, this is another Bush Letterman Top 10: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbOTQhWlF24&NR


GW really is such a tool of a President.

Edited by Iceage
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