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stickypoint magazine

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maybe its just me but the controvesial schizophrenia subject is a bit of a turn off, so i hope it doesnt resurrect that division born and breed in nimbin via the H.E.M.P Bar/embassy avocates.

But! as a contrast you have remo from urban grower!...so as long as the hydro vs outdoor vs <insert H.E.M.P rant> is left for know alls at your local nimbin coffee shop and stays their to die in ignorance...

This magazine would be something id be interested in.


Edited by wildflower
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Thanks for the good news SPM :toke:

I really hope this all works out and becomes an ongoing venture, it sounds like a lot of time and effort has gone into it.

Will it be available online?

...for those of us too far from a hydro/head shop!






  wildflower said:
...so as long as the hydro vs outdoor vs <insert H.E.M.P rant> is left for know alls at your local nimbin coffee shop and stays their to die in ignorance...
  generic_hippie said:
As for wildflower, here's a thought, bigotry is wrong regardless of which group you hate, even if that group has little more in common than a geographical location...

Please don't start this shit again :peace:





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good read i got a copy of first edition at grow shop recently.




Needs a few more pics, writeups on grows and could even do with a section on new products or technologies.



i can see there trying to be carful with what they print is a great idea having our own mag.


goodluck i will continue to buy.

Edited by thc24
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Maybe the first edition as a PDF on your website once the second edition is out could be an invaluable sales pitch for with many of us it could be a great hook to start ordering it in ....hehe plus you got me damm curious


Good to see we have a voice !!!


In AU how heavy are your restrictions on what you can print??

Edited by Shithappens
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