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When I first visited Qld many,many years ago everyone I met who MJ'ed up who used a bong kept it outside in the backyard amongst the bushes and they were illegal to sell/possess etc then they changed the law and you could buy them again however in NSW they are still illegal to display for sale but not necessarily for personal possession(clean).

POLITICIANS ARE FUCKWITS lol and are responsible for the death of millions of garden hoses. :bleh:

Qld'ers in the S.E. can just drive down to Nimbin and help the local economy.

Edited by Jess Stone
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Yeh , I'm not sure if they are illegal or not Pipeman ..

As far as I knew if they are clean It's o.k. cause theres no Associated "drug" use with them .. i.e. could be for tobacco ..

But I'm not 100% sure on that .. lol


Your right , plenty of shops sell them in NSW ... They used to be able to be displayed (without the conepeice) .. But they changed the law and Now they Have to have them locked away out of site .. That happened a couple of years ago ..

Weird thing is , is that they can still Keep Pipes and conepeices and stuff on display :peace:

I know a shop that has the bongs locked away in a backroom But Out the front there is a large Glass cabinet absolutely packed with MJ related apparatus lol


Anyway .. It's nothing to worry about , and most likely just a smokescreen to pacify the anti-cannabis idiot majority ..

Bongs will never go away , just like stoners never will ;)


Budman :ack:

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I'll bet my left gonad that Beattie would have smoked in the 70's, he was very outspoken about Joh's police state and I can remember him being asked(before he was premier) if he was in favour of legalisation, he said he was all for looking into decriminalisation, ferkin typical bullshitting politician.

He should re read Animal Farm

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im in nsw and a servo around here has bongs on display and all the stuff that goes with them, cones, stems, pipes (no crackies thankfully). Altho they have one bong in the window that is fully complete with stem and cone most arent. They also have a catalogue u can order anything they dont have.


So i dont think displaying and selling them is illegal here in NSW. As this servo is on the pacific highway and must get cops in it alot, so im pretty sure its all legit. Or else this certain servo is taking one massive risk for not much profit (on the bongs and pipes and such) they'd make most their money on petrol sales and food and cigs id imagine.

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Bloody Hell , .. Bongs from a Servo .. :blink:

Not a very wise idea I reckon in this day and age , with the link between Stonering And Drivering ..

Intriguing none the less ... and in saying that I have seen pipes and many odd things at servos come to think of It .. can't remember any bongs tho :freak:

I don't even seem to see em in tobacconists much anymore .. :scratchin:


I am thinking that maybe the local governments and/or police might have some sway ..


Anyway , I forget what else I was gonna say and also everything else :toke: rather stoned you see ..


Budman :peace:


P.s. I wish there was just a simple list of the laws somewhere .. you know like ...

1gm of weed - Illegal - $150 Fine ... Bong - Legal - But Kinda Illegal - $150 Fine ... Tally Ho's - Legal - $0 Fine ... etc. etc. that would be good :toke:

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I was just havin' a yarn to me local tobacconist about this topic, and as it turns out Qld tobacconists have until the 1st of April to unload any gear they got. So depending on your local, my guess is you'll be able to cut a deal with em.


So if ya that way inclined, get out there and exercise your bargaining skills before the 1st of next month. Should've seen what i just scored for $10. :peace:



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just bought a new billy from a well know local seller. In wa no signs of the bongs disapearing soon would put a few shops out of buisness and a couple of new ones that just popped up in recent months wack bam in the city.


Maby wa is next shop owner wouldnt / couldnt do special orders just agung pipe and bongs or hand made/ glass blown..




I think it would be a better idea to remove the crack pipes before the bongs..

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